Love is beautiful only if its two sided

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Today's morning note "Love is beautiful if it's two sided" this is enough to remind me that I don't have to do anything stupid that will make things work. In short you just have to ignore those butterflies in your stomach and steer clear of him. As I step inside the house I just hope we are normal the way I replied to him and how his expressions changed could say I'm gonna have a tough day.
Why are my predictions right but on the wrong time. At the voice of his my stomach turned into a blossoming garden where butterflies are more than the flowers. When he appeared the thought that I have to stay steer clear of him was itself ignored. How can I ignore him when he looks so damn handsome, how can I ignore his well proportioned body, and his striking lips.
"You can dream with your eyes opened?" He says snapping fingers at me
"I'm quite talented" I said in a clipped tone
"Well today is your talent show audition!" I look at him in an absurd expression
"Talent show audition?" I'm astonished about what he just said
"You have to show how talented you are as I appoint you some task"
"What kind of task, I can't walk on a rope if that's what your task is" I try to sound normal
"You don't have to walk on a rope, just need to go and check on my designer if my suit is ready or not and I ordered a watch you have to go and collect it from the shop, and could you get the copy of recording and give it to director he was asking for it, and one more book a table for four at the best restaurant we all decided to have a dinner tonight..." he says after pausing for a second finally adding the last thing " and yes don't forget to bring the take out lunch with you for all of us" I just stood there listening to him as I feel I just witnessed a concussion
"I'll do that for you Mr jeon is there anything else you want me to do?" I say pasting a smile on my face with a calm expression
"That's it" He says switching back to the cold jungkook that he is
Half of the day was spent on completing his tasks, the boutique was so far from the house and so was the watch shop, deep down I knew he would make me stand on an ice. I feel exhausted as I stood in the line ordering their meals after taking the order and putting the bags in the car I make a call to the restaurant for the table booking.
When I entered the studio everyone was sitting in the private room where they usually rest and relax before recording, meeting, rehearsal. It's on the fourth floor. I knock at the door when I hear someone say come in I move inside. Jin and Jimin are seated on the sofa and Tae is watching television and jungkook just came out of the washroom.
I hand over them their specific meals
"Thank you Ryna" Jin and Jimin say
"You were quite quick" jae says as I give him his watch and meal box
"Your suit is ready, I brought it for you, it's in my car" I say in a low voice.
"Thank you" He says "You pay me for this, you don't have to thank me. Mr jeon" I say his name after a pause, I have realised he gets pissed everytime I call him like this. Not hearing his response I move towards tim with his meal box in my hand
"Tae this is for you" I say in a chirpy voice
"You are the best, I wanted to have this" He says fondly looking at his meal with a vanilla shake
"So are you" I say winking at him, his smile gets wider
I move out of the room, when I hear jumgkook calling my name
"Where are you going?" He ask me
"You told me to give this recording to director, remember?" He nods slowly
"Did you eat something?" He asks in a low voice
"It's really kind of you to ask me that Mr jeon , but I'm not hungry and there's a lot of things to do, so if you'll excuse me I'll go finish my task"
"You are getting along with Tae quite good" his sentence caught my attention as I turn back to look at him
"He's a great guy" I say confidently
"I didn't told you before, that employees can't have a relationship other than professional with anyone" as soon as these words leave his mouth, I stood there like a stone in front of him with tears in my eyes, how can he say that to me.
"How can you even think that?" I say as I try to wipe my tears pricking down
"I didn't...." I cut him off by saying " I'll keep that in mind Mr Jeon you don't have to worry about that"
And like a bolt of light I storm away from him. The thing I was thinking about in the morning of getting my heart broke by him will happen soon but didn't knew soon was few hours away. I knew this would happen but wasn't aware that it will hurt so much. The lift took forever to reach 1st floor every time it stopped on other floors I didn't even notice people coming in and getting out because I was so much lost in my own visceral.
Everyone looking at me could clearly see through me, that something is wrong with me. Even when sishun asked me "Is anything wrong with you?" How am I suppose to tell him there's a guy whom I'm in love with , just broke my heart.Although jae told me I should not expect him to ever fall in love with me because employees can't have relationship with members, I'm still referring him as I'm in love with. Coming here wasn't the right decision.
"Nothing" I say in a low voice
"I can give this recording to director if you want, you just don't look well you should take rest" he says carefully looking at me
"Thank you, I'm just tired. Anyways give this to director and don't forget to take a copy of it and give it to me " I say giving the recording to him. I did get tired after long travelling and crying too. It's better if I go and have some rest.
"Take care" he says walking towards the director's cabin.
I get outside the bldg after confirming if anyone needs anything, after when they said no, I got back to my car to rest for a little while. I move inside the car resting my head on the drivers seat, I close my eyes, the tears started to roll out of my eyes slowly as the conversation replay in my head.
I heard a knock on my window, I open my eyes to look who is it, I couldn't see anyone because of blurry vision the only thing I can see was someone's silhouette. I rub my eyes to get a clear vision, before I could open my eyes the car door was opened. He bents over to talk to me

His cold heart warms mine Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant