A family i choose

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Damn I never noticed but he is really finely built my eyes trailing all over his body I stop when I hear him laugh "I still remember how you closed your eyes when you first saw me like this" that was so silly of me I regretted it all long "And now you are enjoying it" he says again in a deep voice. His hand slowly reach for my waist as he lifts me up and shifts upwards my legs are now stretched on the bed he slowly bends lower his one hand firmly on my side holding his body and other grabbing my hand I close my eyes eager to feel his touch my lips trembling for his and suddenly there was a knock on the door. I laugh at jungkook's pissed face he didn't even opened the door so that he don't lash out on the person. I took the food and placed it on the table all he did was eat and glare at the door. "Jungkook turn the lights off I'm tired" I say while he was busy on his phone I guess he didn't hear me as he kept on talking with someone on the phone. I turned the lights off from his side. After few minutes he kept the phone and moved into bed, I felt him shift towards me as he already wrapped me into his arms "Are you asleep?" He says softly I open my eyes as I say "No I'm not" how can I sleep without wrapped in his arms "I have made you cry so many times" he says again in a low voice I turn around to take a look at him "You have made me happy even more" I say moving his hair from his face away, "My mom loves my dad way too much but in return he wasn't even loyal to her even after she found out that he is cheating on her she still couldn't stop loving him and my dad didn't even apologised to her" his face gets stiff as he continued to speak "that day when you lied to me I felt like am I like my dad I don't want what they had" I place my hand on his cheeks as I lift his face to look at me "you are nothing like your dad you helped me when I had no one so don't even think like you are like him" he startled me with suddenly kissing me this time more deeply as if it was an apology I opened my mouth as he slide his tongue in, he was on top of me again his hands inside my T-shirt as I remove his T-shirt throwing it on the floor I pull him closer and yet his weight wasn't on me I run my hand on his bare chest damn his skin feels so good while he was feeling mine. He breaks off our kiss I look at him confused he holds my T-shirt I nod in confirmation before I knew I was already lying in my bra underneath him this was the first time someone ever saw me like this I didn't have great body but it wasn't bad too I had a nice figure and normal sized breast he pulls of my pj's as I unhook his jeans "Fuck" escapes from his mouth I look at him amazed, he never cursed in front of me and it sounded so different. "You are gorgeous" when he said that my heart almost felt ease because in that moment I stopped doubting myself. My skin colour was was totally different from him he was fair whereas mine was like honey a little brownish. With every kisses he trailed down my body pleasures escaped from my mouth we could barely keep our hands off eachother.
I hate travelling if I need to choose between travelling for my whole life or staying in the same place and never travelling I would choose never travelling. After hours of flight I get back home suddenly I call this place home because here is everything I need and also jae he is my home a place I always come back to. After getting fresh I move back to work. "Ryna!" I was startled when I heard my name as I was getting out of car I see sishun standing with flowers I look at him confused as he approaches towards me "These are for you!" He says holding out the bouquet for me "Me? Why?" I ask him it's definitely not because he missed me then why is he giving me a bouquet "We just received confirmation email from sponsors this morning they have agreed to collaborate with us" he says with a big grin on his face I stood there shocked listening to him when he said they agreed I couldn't control myself I started jumping I did it! Really!. Director congratulated me too for accomplishing my first meeting and passing with flying colours. I couldn't help but smile whole day. "Jin , Are you all ready I'll be there in five minutes; make sure you guys are ready" I speak to Jin on call as I take my car out of the parking area to move back to their house after few minutes drive I reached everyone was seated on the sofa in living area Jimin was the first to run towards me he pulls me into a hug "I'm proud of you" he says in his cheerful voice I see jungkook sitting on the corner with legs crossed as he glares at me and Jimin, as I got out of his hug tae grabbed me as he congratulated me "Why are you all making a big deal out of this meeting?" I say looking at Tae who is still hugging me tightly he smiles awkwardly at me as I say "wait a minute you guys thought I won't be able to do this right?" Tae quickly leaves me as he sat back on the sofa "obviously not" is all he said looking at me with sincere eyes "Stop lying I know" I say with a laugh.
I couldn't get to talk to jungkook in others presence, we got in the car as we have to reach location where the show is suppose to take place it's not far from where we stay it took 4 to 5 minutes the stadium is quite huge this was my first time seeing a stadium in real. It was huge I felt like a small doll in a big world as far as my gaze could travel I wondered how many people can actually be needed to fill this whole stadium it was like a globe waiting to be filled. Everyone gets down from their cars as we start walking inside the show is suppose to take place is 4 days and after that song is going to release which they recorded recently. How fast time flies it's already 4 months since i moved here in this four months a lot of things changed I learned Korean because a lot of people didn't knew English which jae lied so I had to I no more use translator, I'm still veg but jungkook liked a lot Indian sweet dishes I made whenever he was home he liked them a lot. I love every single day I spend here with everyone especially boys they are like a family I choose or they choose me.
They really work so hard from the minute we have arrived they are rehearsing continuously, my phone starts to ring I see sishun calling me "What is it?" I ask him "My wife is admitted to the hospital she's pregnant I really need to go" he says as if he's crying "You should go" I say to him without thinking twice "What about the arrangement I was told to check on broadcasting team and even costume designers" I assure him that I'll do that he must leave. The hospitality team was already working on all the arrangements I made sure check it again and also updated director about the tickets sold for the event. As soon as the work clears up here I went to look after the work that was appointed to sishun.
The whole day and night went by for checking up on the costumes and extra arrangements as well as broadcasting team my feet's were already screaming for rest I barely made up to my house I went straight to the bathroom and took a quick bath i here the doorbell ring i pretended as if I didn't hear it the door opened and I knew it was jae I brought myself up as I moved downstairs and I saw his face I started to feel better maybe I was just in need of seeing him rather than energy "aren't you tired, you should rest" I say as I remember that they all have been working so hard all day they must be tired by all dancing and singing for hours "That's what I'm here for" he says as he wraps his arms around me quickly he makes me smile like insane. "You were out all day" he speaks in my ear his voice is so soothing I might fall asleep right here "I was running errands for sishun" I say as I hold his face in my small hands he kisses my palms softly "I missed you" he says kissing another "I missed you too" i kiss him softly I need this, why am I so in love with this man, he makes me do these things I never thought would do, I need him more than anything I feel it with every time he licks my lips everytime I run my mouth over his. "I can tell you missed me a lot" he says as he picks me up and move upstairs "Do I need to kiss you everytime to let you know I missed you?" I ask him as I sit on his lap "I wouldn't mind that" he is such a tease "How about you?" I ask as I unbutton his shirt slowly laying him down on the bed "How will you let me know that you missed me?" I throw his shirt onto the ground "I'll hold your hand" he says as he holds my hand and pull me into his arms "and hug you like this and won't let go until you are convinced" he laughs it off "mine is bett...before i could complete I started to feel nauseous and felt like throwing up I stood up and ran towards the washroom as I started to throw up "What is wrong?" I hear jungkook's voice as he bash into the washroom "Stay out" I say I don't want him to see me like this but he didn't even care to listen to me he sees me on the floor and quickly holds my hair as I continue to throw up and rubs my back. After a long throw up session I wash my face I see jae through mirror he is still holding my hair I laugh off, "Don't you dare laugh after giving me a heart attack" he says looking at me with those beautiful yet concerning eyes " I'm sorry, it must be because of indigestion or something" jae took the towel from the hook and wipes my face softly as he continues to speak softly "Why do you have to work so hard, I didn't saw you all day and now I see you throwing up like crazy" he places the towel aside as he cups my face in his hands "Take care of yourself" he says as he kisses my forehead everytime he acts so sweet and caring I don't know but my heart feels uneasy as if I can't deal with so much love from him as if I don't deserve this, but yet I don't wanna let go I have never felt this kind of feelings and love from someone I don't want to let go this what we have. I wrap my arms around him "I don't want to let you go" I say what was in my mind I want him to know that I care about him more upon that I love him in every possible way "I'm not gonna let you go either" he whispers in my ears softly

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