After the bully chapter

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- Shigaraki-

When you can back home you did say hello or anything. Shigaraki and the others took notice of this. He walked in the room seeing you play video games. "Did you have a good time at school?" Shigaraki asked. "Yeah." You lied. "(Y/n) Shigaraki, don't lie to me. What's wrong?" He and Kurogiri were the only ones that can tell that you were lying. "It's nothing." You kept facing the screen because if you did face him then you would breakdown. He shut off the console. "Hey I was-" you stopped as you saw him scratch his neck. Knowing that he was getting annoyed or worried. You hugged you Kirby toy. "Tell me what happened." You started to cry but tried to hide it from him. "I got bullied at school..." you answered. Shigaraki was about to lose his cool but remembered that he needed to stay calm for you. "Why?" He asked. "I told them that heroes are boring. They then told me I was boring, and I wouldn't get it because I have a villain quirk." You sniffed and looked away from Shigaraki. "They pushed me down, and called me a villain over and over again. Is it easy for everyone to see that I'm a villain?" You cried. Shigaraki didn't know what to do. He was still new at parenting. You did grow up around villains but he wasn't sure what path you wanted to take. He pulled you into his chest and hugged you. "Don't listen to them. They're just a bunch of little brats. They don't know you like I do. You are more than just a villain." He said. You didn't seem to get better. "Uh...there like those mini minions that always try to bring you down. They're tricksters and want you to give up." You looked at him. "But you can't give up. You know why?" He asked you. Yoy shook your head. "Because you're the greatest. Doesn't matter if you look like a villain or not. You're going to beat them because you are strong and smarter than them. I know you can beat this level." He smiled. You smiled and hugged him. "Thank you daddy. I feel much better now." You hummed. "Good because I'm not very good at this." He laughed. Your giggles flowed with his.

- Dabi -

When you got home, Dabi noticed the mud on your hoodie. Your eyes were also red and puffy. He got up from his seat and walked over to you. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. You shook your head at his question. "Kiddo, you have to talk to me. Did someone hurt you? Did they hurt your feelings?" He asked. Yoy cried more seeing that your father also thought you were soft. "I-I don't w-want t-to be w-weak!" You cried out. Dabi was surprised by your outburst. Dabi's eye's sadden knowing what might've happened. He knew everything about what happened to you before he found you. "Did someone call you weak?" He asked. You nodded and tried to wipe away your tears but they just kept going. He grabbed your little hands. "You're going to hurt yourself like that. Come here." He pulled you into a hug. He grabbed the panda toy, and you held it tight. "You dad told me the same thing when I was young. He said I was weak like my mom." You looked up at him. "B-But daddy's n-not weak." You said. He chuckled a bit. "You be surprised if you saw me back then. My quirk might be strong but it still makes me weak. Do you wanna know what else is weak?" He asked. You nodded a bit. "My heart. It hurts me seeing you like this. I don't want my baby boy/girl crying. You aren't weak. You just have a big heart. You've been through a lot that they don't know. You're stronger than what you think. As you get older the stronger you get. You're stronger than them and you'll show everyone one day." He said as he kissed your head. You smiled and cuddled with him. "Thank you daddy." You mumbled before falling asleep. He chuckled. "Sleep tight, kiddo." He then fell asleep beside you.

- Toga -

When you got home, Toga immediately knew that something was wrong. "What's wrong? You don't look happy like usual." She said. You held on to your toy and rubbed your thumb on it. " class says I'm weird and that I don't belong. *Sniffles* I belong here with you?" Your voice cracked a bit. She hugged you dearly and rubbed your head. "Of course you belong. I knew you belong with me from the start. Those little brats are the ones who don't belong. They're just jealous because you're better than them. It's okay to be weird. It's okay to be crazy. I felt the same way too. Back when I was growing up, I had to wear a mask to not show my craziness. I don't want you to wear a mask. So just be you." She smiled. You smiled and hugged her. "Thank you mommy. I feel better now!" You smiled. Toga pinched your cheeks. "Look at that adorable smile!" She giggled.

- Kurogiri-

He noticed you had a sad look on your face. "Is everything alright?" He asked. You signed him on what happened at school. 'Am I that weird?' You signed. His eyes sadden and held your shoulder. "Of course not. They just don't understand you like I do. Your smart and have a creative mind. Something they don't have. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Not you, not your quirk, and certainly not your ability to speak. Your perfect the way you are." You smiled and hugged him. He chuckled and picked you up. "Let's make dinner, shall we?" You nodded happily.

- Twice -

Twice saw you holding your comfort toy that he got you. He noticed something was up and bothering you. "Hey squirt, what's up?" He asked. You didn't respond and looked away from him. "Squirt, talk to me. How can I make you feel better if I don't know what's wrong?" He sighed. "Daddy...why is easy to put the blame on me?" You asked. He seemed to be a bit stunned by your question. "Did someone blame you for something?" You nodded. "I tried to tell the teacher, but she didn't believe me. I didn't want her to call you, since I was scared that you believe her and not me." You replied. He ruffled your hair. "C'mon squirt, you know I'm always going to believe you. Sometimes people just think is easier put the blame on someone else. You just have to fight back and not let that drag you down. I promise you that I'll always believe you. No matter what." He kissed your head and pulled you into a cuddle hug. "Thanks daddy." You hummed and cuddle closer to him. "Anything for you squirt." He smiled.

- Overhaul-

He was surprised to see you covered in dirt and your wings missing a few feathers. You stayed outside refusing to come inside. You didn't want to upset your father for being so dirty. "(Y/n) come inside now. I don't care that you're dirty. I want you to explain what happened." He said. You gave in and went inside. "Tell me what happened and who did this to you." He said. "My classmates pushed me into the mud...they bullied me saying that I was a villain and that I wasn't supposed to be good. That I'm evil." You explained and tears fell down your rosey cheeks. He sighed heavily. "Kids these days. They're the evil ones for doing this. They are also infected. Look at me." You looked up at him. "You're not evil. You're not a villain either. Even if you have a dark side to your quirk, you are still the most kindest person I know. You have a big heart and have good intentions. Something that they don't have. Just know that you're pure, and you're still the little angel that I found that very special day." He smiled. You smiled as well. He held out his hand to you. "Let get you cleaned." You nodded and grabbed his hand. "I feel better. Thank you daddy." You gave him a closed eye smile. "Of course, my little angel." He hummed.

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