Chapter Forty-Two: My Own Life

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Its been literal ages since I've updated this book, but I really missed Zoey's, and I missed Mary and Leif, so here we are! I hope you enjoy! 


Once I got home, my phone rang and Max's name popped up on the screen.

"Hey-" I started.

"Did you know?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the anger in his voice.

"Know what?"

"You knew how I felt about Zoey, did you know that I sang to her? That she knew and not only didn't tell me, but pawned me off on Autumn to get me away from her?" I winced.


"Just answer the question, Mary!" I sighed.

"Yeah...yeah, I knew."

"You knew and you never told me?!"

"I couldn't, Max! Neither her powers nor her awareness of your feelings was my secret to tell!" He sighed. 

"Well you could've at least tried to warn me. You could of said something." I nodded, biting my lip.

"I'm sorry." He sighed again.

", you're right. It wasn't your problem to get involved in."

"No, I...I should've talked to you about it. Even if I did it subtly." I stated. "I'm really sorry, Max."

"Its ok...hey, why did you run off so fast?"

"I needed to talk to Tobin, and then I went to talk to Leif about what's been going on between them."  He sighed yet again. "Ok, what is it now, Sir Sighs-A-Lot?"

"Nothing, I'm just...I just got done yelling at you for not getting involved in Zoey and I's drama, and in the midst of that, I forgot that you're kind of involved in everyone's drama. You're always so willing to help the people you care about so its easy to just dump all of our crap on you. I'm sorry."

"You guys don't 'dump your crap on me'. I'm always happy to help." I told him.

"Yeah, but...don't you ever feel like there's an unequal relationship here? Like when do we ever talk about your problems?" I shrugged.

"Well, when I have some I'll let you know." I said, smiling. "Goodnight, Max."

"Goodnight, Mary." I hung up, the smile fading from my face.

That's the second time today I've had a conversation of that variety. Am I too involved in the lives of my friends? But at the same time, look at how hurt Max was because I didn't get involved. Is there supposed to be a balance to what I do and don't get involved in?

When I got involved with Joan and Charlie for instance, I only succeeded in making a bad situation worse, but when I didn't get involved with Zoey and Max, Max ended up getting hurt. But at the same time, getting involved with Tobin and Leif seems like the right decision, and there have been numerous times when my involvement was helpful, like with Zoey and her powers.

I truly don't know what the right call is here.


This thought still plagued my mind as Leif and I sat in the conference room the next day. My laptop was open in front of me, and I was drumming my pen absently against the table when suddenly Leif's hand slid over onto my knee. I paused, glancing over at him to see that he was watching me with a knowing look.

"What?" I asked, bringing the pen up to my mouth. He took it, taking it out of my hand and putting it on the table just out of my reach.

"Something is clearly on your mind. I can tell, because you've been abusing that pen for the past hour." I shook my head, turning back to my computer.

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