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Clay's POV

Clay took a deep breath before opening the door.

Sapnap sat at a table in the small room, his eyes darting to Clay as he entered. Sapnap's fingers rapidly tapped against the chair anxiously and he fisted his hands against his bonds, his knuckles turning white. Clay sat across from him, dragging the seat slowly against the floor.

Clay and George had agreed that it would be best that Clay should talk to Sapnap alone. He had a connection with Sapnap, or so he hoped. Besides, Sapnap's mission was to kill George, so bringing George right in front of him would probably not be a good idea.

Clay cracked his fingers nervously, the sound making Sapnap scrunch his nose in annoyance. However, didn't say anything and Clay cleared his throat.

"I... uh long time no see?"

Sapnap snorted. "I may have hesitated to kill you yesterday, but I won't the next chance I get."

Clay flinched and Sapnap tugged against his bonds again, the rope digging into his skin.

"Why are you like this?" Clay asked.

"What do you mean?" Sapnap responded blandly.

"You-you're different... it's like― do you hate me?"

Sapnap gave him a blank look. "I don't hate you. Things have changed, you need to understand that."

"What's changed?"


Clay's eyebrows furrowed, "Can you be more specific?"

Sapnap looked away and swallowed. "Look, Dream, I don't want to talk about it. You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

Sapnap's gaze narrowed on Clay and he asked, "Can I ask you something first?"

"Uh, sure." Clay replied warily.

"What happened to you?" Sapnap asked and jerked his chin towards Clay, gesturing to his face.

Clay's hand automatically reached up and traced his scar. He frowned, responding, "Nihachu happened."

Sapnap blinked, stunned. His eyes softened and he looked away. Sapnap's gaze turned anxious as he looked around the small room. He started tapping his fingers rapidly against his chair again.

"You had your question. It's my turn now," Clay said before asking, "Where have you been for the past few years?"

"Here and there. Y'know?"

Clay scowled, but his frustration changed into amusement at Sapnap's expression. Sapnap's mouth was twitched up in a smile and his eyebrow was raised.

Sapnap was messing with him. The realization caused Clay to let out a breathy laugh.

At least some of him was still there.

Sapnap's half-smile faded as he said, "In all seriousness, I don't like talking about it."

Clay tilted his head, his curiosity getting the best of him, he asked, "Why not?"

"I don't like reliving it," Sapnap mumbled and shifted in his seat, looking around the room nervously.

"Reliving what?"

Sapnap met Clay's gaze and sighed. "I went through a lot okay? Apparently you did too."

Clay nodded. He decided to tell Sapnap what he's been doing the past few years, maybe it would help Sapnap open up.

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