That hurts

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You smell so good

he whispered as his hands were around your waist pulling you even more closer without giving a thought of leaving any space .....

Never in a million years you ever thought that you would be in a situation like this where practically a guy's body would be pressed against yours...

And the worst part was , why didn't you fight back , why didn't you push him away , why are you still not reacting to it...

Your took a deep breath when he nazzled his nose against your neck...

Your smell is so f***ing addicting

he growled as his grip around your waist tightened....

You tried to maintain your posture but failed miserably, it felt like your own body was betraying you... you couldn't even think about stopping him...

A sudden yelp was heard from your mouth when he out of nowhere pushed you away from him.... and before you could even think about what happened ... he had already pinned you against the mirror...

Your pov ;

Oh no where did I got myself into??? This guy ... how can someone be so straightforward, like he spoke without even filtering his mouth...

Okay calm down Y/N .... Take a deep breath

How am I supposed to stay calm huh??? When he has literally trapped me in between him and the mirror

And I can't even protest... not after seeing him in this new form..

Forget having a conversation, I can't even think about forming a proper sentence....

Unlike me , he simply didn't seem to get affected by this current situation..... After all he is the one who caused it....

He did nothing but stare at me with I don't know, I can't even describe his sudden change of behaviour....

He started leaning closer near to my face .... to the point where his hot breath was fanning against my lips....

No, not the kiss please ...
I don't want my first kiss to be runied by this guy!!!!!


My breath hitched when he brushed his lips against my cheekbone....

What are you doing to me Y/N

.... by this time his lips were already near my right ear.....

I shut my eyes when I felt him nibbling my ear

Why Y/N why ?? Why can't I control myself when I am around you , why do I feel like I have known you before .... I-I don't know how to say but you seem like a very close person to me????

I shot my eyes open and looked at him with pure shock , he was looking down...

He knew .... he can feel it .... Is this the time.... Should I tell him about N/N ( your nick name)

Y/N whatever is the reason, please just stay away from me .... I- I don't want to hurt Minji

At this point I wanted to kick him right on his face, who does he think of himself... Does he think I will fall for him... Hell Naaa ~
I am not falling for him...

So let's just stay away from each other.... I will maintain my distance, you maintain yours....

After the contract ends

You and me are nothing but strangers...

He sighed before he looked up to meet my eyes

I hope you understand

The way I loved you (Taehyung x Chubby Reader)Where stories live. Discover now