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So Jia right?

Namjoon smiled at the said female who was nervously looking down at herself...

Taehyung said that you were looking for me...

His voice trailed off as he saw her taking some deep breaths and assuring herself...

Hey...... are you okay?

He wanted to place his hand on her shoulder to comfort her but then he was afraid that by doing that he would be crossing the line... And he didn't wanted to look like a freak in front of a girl he just met...

Yeah I am fine , just little bit nervous, nothing serious...

She laughed awkwardly while covering her mouth

I have something to say Namjoon , so if you don't mind can we talk outside...

Namjoon contemplated for a while and then smiled agreeing to her suggestion...

After some time

So go ahead

Namjoon gestured the female to continue

First of all let me introduce myself

She smiled and turned towards him

I am Jia D'Souza of AI department, and I just joined this year...

Oh Hello Jia, I am Kim Namjoon of AI department... And I am a senior... I will be graduating next month...

Namjoon sheepishly smiled at her

I know ....

She let out a shy smile and starred at him for few minutes

Huh? Oh you know me

Namjoon pointed at himself, surprised by the fact that she knew him way before he introduced himself

Who doesn't

She laughed softly before continuing again

I mean , with all your popular researches on the subject and especially the book which you have presented on AI , people pretty much know you well...

Now it was his turn to blush furiously, yeah he knew people appreciated him for his work but somehow getting a sudden compliment from a person he just met is something different...

I am overwhelmed by the fact that people actually read my book and thank you for letting me know about it

She geniunely smiled at him


Namjoon dragged the word as he knew that this was not only reason for her to come and talk to him

Actually I applied to this stream thinking that it would be fun to learn about robots and stuffs but then damn when the classes started I was doomed ... I had no clue about this .. none of the teachers here had that spark to teach me like how I had expected so I was planning to change my stream


I read your book....

Namjoon I fell in love with the way you have expressed about everything in that book. You made me respect the subject, the passion in your words was enough for me to love that subject.

And that's when I started noticing you obviously from afar ....

She chuckled embarrassingly

You just had an different aura, alongside being an intelligent lad... You were adorable too, your love for weird things just makes you "you". The Kim Namjoon

The way I loved you (Taehyung x Chubby Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora