flashback -2

181 8 3

How does he get so drunk by just drinking some coke

You questioned the male beside you after you saw Yeonjun being  tipsy all over a soft drink

Trust me , even I get the same doubt everytime when we drink outside

Taehyung mumbled and took a shawl  which was next to him and draped it over you covering your body from the cool breeze

As the warmth of the cloth slowly started to spread all over you , you smiled at him appreciating his sweet gesture

Join me

You grinned and told him to come closer so that you two would share the same shawl

Taehyung turned to look at others who to his joy had been knocked out due to all the drinks they had before ....

He now wanted to thank each and every gods up there for making him have high alcohol tolerance...

now he can  be with his cutie , no one's gonna taunt or tease them

Looking at the way you were smiling and calling him to sit next to you

He couldn't be more happier

So he placed himself next to you and  goofily smiled at you


I am bored!!! tell me something

You whined as you were getting tried of the silence which was peaceful in the beginning but now it's just annoying

Yeah silence did annoy you

Taehyung chuckled at the way you were huffing and poking his shoulder with your  finger to get his attention


He thought for a while

What kind of guys do you like ??

You were little taken aback at his question not knowing why he asked this out of no where

but still went on with it

I prefer smart guys , like I don't know it's just a big turn on to me. Whenever I see a guy who is smart , I instantly feel attracted towards him ...

If i elaborate, I want a guy who is soft, smart , cheeky... And a guy who doesn't boast about himself too much... Who is mature enough to handle the relationship where both of our opinions matter

And ... I just want a tall guy , so that he can pat my head

responding to all of your choices Taehyung couldn't help but give you a uncomfortable smile ... He didn't know why but it  somehow reminded him of certain someone with his infamous 148IQ....

No wonder why you are still single

He muttered only to get a hard smack from you

I know I am demanding too much , but a girl can still dream... I know someone's out there who is waiting for me

You dreamily sighed and looked back at the male

What about you?


What kind of girl do you want?


Taehyung didn't miss a beat and said it directly looking at you waiting to see how would you react

The proximity between two of you, and the fresh smell of the nature around you two didn't either help the situation which you were right in

You must have heard it wrong right yeah totally

The way I loved you (Taehyung x Chubby Reader)Where stories live. Discover now