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While Massaging your nape you heaved a sigh and removed all your accessories, make up , and did your night routine....

You wore your night dress and entered the bedroom only to see Taehyung and his grandma bickering...

"I am telling you child, don't go hard on her... It's her first time..." Grandma snickered

With your mouth wide open you looked at Taehyung waiting for an explanation...

His cheeks were already flushed red and obviously he avoided your glare

"I-I ,..... seriously this is how you talk to your grandson... Grandma give us some space ..."

Taehyung huffed and opened the door indicating her to leave....

"He is right Mom , let the kids have some space....

Mr. Kim stood at the doorstep with his hands inside his pockets ...

"Aish these days kids, in our times when I was in your age, I got pregnant and already had your dad in less than a year of our marriage..."

She puffed her chest and left the room leaving a whinny Taehyung and a confused you...


Yeonjun shouted from the other corner of the house earning a high five from his grandma

You just wanted to dig your grave and pleaded your stars to make you disappear from this situation

There was again a awkward silence

Both of you didn't or pretended to not to look at each other

"I am sorry for that"

He scratched his nape and looked at you...

"You know old ladies, they don't have any control over their mouth ... Soooo ~~~"

You let out a amused chuckle and nodded

"It's fine, as long as she doesn't pressurise us about ... You know what I mean..."

You spoke softly and looked at him

"Oh yeah, don't worry about that, I will take care"... He smiled

You were about to turn around when suddenly someone held your wrist... Your heart did some flips as his warmth started radiating through his palm...

When He noticed the stiffness in you , he quickly let go of your hand not wanting to make you uncomfortable....

"I-I am sorry, no no wait I didn't mean to...... !!! wait!!"

He stammered and nervously looked around

"Taehyung-ah calm down, take a deep breath and speak whenever you are comfortable... Hmm??"

You reassured him by squeezing his hand...

Eventually the boy calmed down and spoke

"Actually I wanted to thank you, for sparing your time and getting yourself involved in this mess, and wanted apologize about how I treated you, I am really sorry for causing you trouble, seriously I wasn't even aware about how you were feeling and guess what you were right all I cared about was my family and happiness,... So again I am thanking you for baring me and my problems..."

Not knowing what to tell , since it was just so sudden , You spoke what came in your mind

"It's fine"

and smiled at him which he returned back gladly...

"Oh and, I guess today we have to share the bed.... If your uncomfortable, you can take the bed , I will sleep on the couch, is that okay???"

The way I loved you (Taehyung x Chubby Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt