Chapter 3: Rey's Faith

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It was dark outside and Rey stood there waiting. Han was still gone. He should have been back by now. Rey thought to herself. 

"Shouldn't he be back by now?" Rey asked as she stood outside.

"He will be back, Rey. He's a good kid." Finn assured her.

"He promised he'd be back."

"Rey, there's nothing to worry." Ben said as he went outside.

"He's your son and you're not at all worried about him or his safety?" Rey snapped at him. 

"Well," Ben sighed. "I guess you're right. He should have been back by now. Supper is about ready anyway." 

"Thank you." Rey sighed as she looked down. She didn't want to worry about Han. He was old enough to make up his own mind and do as he pleased. But Rey wished he was still more responsible.

"I'll just get Hope and everyone else and we'll find him." Finn responded as he tapped Rey's back and walked off.

"He's reckless just like you." Rey said trying not to laugh.

"How am I reckless?" Ben asked crossing his arms.

"Quick to action. You both never think about how your actions affect others until last minute or hardly at all."

"No, no, no. Han has my father in him. We gave him the perfect name if you ask me."

"You think that's any better?" Rey snorted.

"Hey one time my father put me in charge of being a pilot when I was a child, a young one at that and he and Chewbacca was in the back talking and playing a game. I nearly crashed the ship thank you very much." 

"I was self-taught as a pilot and by age five I knew everything I know now. You did it because it looked fun to you. I did it because I wanted-" Rey paused thinking about her parents. Every now and then the memories still haunted her. Rey gulped and stood there.

"I get it." Ben shrugged. "You were strong and I've always admired that about you." 

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