Chapter 11: Anger

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Kate grew frustrated with herself. She wanted to end the Solos right then and there. But Palpatine would not allow it. He wanted her to continue training.

"Master, why can't I go now and fight them now? I know I'm ready. I'm force sensitive, I grow stronger each day why punish me like this?" Kate asked with confusion and anger.

"I'm not sure you have what it takes." Palpatine answered.

"I have what it takes." Kate argued.

"Your grandfather, mother and cousin all failed me. What makes you so different than them?" Palpatine asked her.

"I am not weak like them. I am a Skywalker but I'm the strongest there was. Their love was their demise. I don't have that." Kate answered. But that wasn't completely true. She had love for her lost friends. She wanted revenge. To her, Ben killed them and she'd make them suffer until they would die.

"You want revenge for your friends."

"Don't you want that too, master?"

"Of course," Palpatine sighed. "But I let my hate control me. Let the hate flow through you. Let it control your mind, body and spirit. Only then will you be stronger than anyone in your family,  child."

"Of course,  master."

"Good." Palpatine cooed.

"I'm worried." Rey said as she looked at Ben as they laid on the ground staring at the stars side by side.

"About Kate?" Ben asked.

"Yes but really the children. I thought Palpatine was finally dead. What if he reaches out to them? Seduce them to the dark side?" Rey asked.

"Hope and Han know better to say no."

"Alexia is my biggest worry. She had a troubled upbringing." Rey responded.

"So did you and you denied him."

"I've never been so afraid."

"You don't need to be." Ben assured her.

"Back then it was just us. But as a mother now... I can't imagine life without any of the children. I finally found my place in the galaxy." Rey replied as she teared up.

"We have each other." Ben whispered and held her hand.

"I know." Rey whispered back and shared a soft kiss. 

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