Chapter 10: A Memory

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Ben and Rey connected to Dean. They wanted and needed more answers. Dean appeared in front of them and gave them a warm smile.

"Hello brother." Ben greeted him.

"Hello." Dean responded.

"Thank you for connecting with us." Rey said with a sigh of relief. 

"You're welcome." Dean replied.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about Kate?" Ben asked.

"I wish I could tell you everything but as a Jedi you have to solve problems and save the day." Dean answered.

"We understand." Ben assured him with a nod.

"Of course." Rey added.

"Well I can tell you one thing to help." Dean replied.

"What is it?" Rey asked.

"Doesn't the name Kate ring a bell, brother?" Dean asked looking at Ben. 

"It sounds familiar." Ben answered in a mumble.

"Kate is Kate Skywalker. She is the daughter of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. She is your cousin... our cousin." Dean answered.

Rey and Ben's eyes eyes widened and they both gasped at the revelation. Rey was both confused and shocked but Ben looked back and remembered something Luke said when he was a young boy.

"Uncle Luke?" Ben said in a soft whisper as he went into his uncle's hutt seeing Luke meditate with his eyes closed.  

"Yes, nephew?" Luke responded as he opened his eyes meeting Ben's stare.

"Why are you meditating?" 

"I need peace."

"Is there something wrong?" Ben asked  getting a bit concerned. 

"I just miss your aunt." Luke answered.

"Why can't she be here? She can help you." 

"She is taking care of your cousin." 

"I remember." Ben mumbled meeting Rey's gaze.

"Why didn't you tell me you had more family members?" Rey asked.

"It has been so long and I was a young boy. I had forgotten that conversation until now." Ben answered and looked at his brother. 

"She is under Palpatine's control. You must save her. She still has hope." Dean said. 

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