Chapter 14: Grief

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It had been three years since her brother and mother passed away and she was an orphan. Sometimes she felt out of place with Rey, Ben and her cousins. They were happy and loved each other and their friends. She never experienced real life like them. She only had a few minutes of love with her mom before Andrew killed their mom. She loved her brother but couldn't express it the way these strangers could. She lived with them for three years and still felt detached. She wasn't close with anyone. She was all alone. There was no one she felt like she could connect to.

"Lexi?" Ben mumbled as he knocked on her bedroom door. He had gotten into a habit of nicknaming her that. She would pretend to hate it and roll her eyes and they would both laugh.

"Hey." Alexia mumbled as she looked down. She wasn't in the mood to joke around with him but she didn't want to be rude.

"What's the matter?" Ben asked sensing her mood.

"You wouldn't understand." Alexia answered.

"Try me." Ben responded as he crossed his arms.

"Fine," Alexia sighed. "I miss Andrew and my mom. I know I shouldn't miss Andrew."

"You know... your dad... my brother and I didn't really get along. I didn't even really know him because I thought he was dead." Ben explained.

"What are you talking about?" Alexia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"A guy kidnapped your dad and told my parents he died. Then I grew up and we met. We took the opportunity to use it and he met up with our dad, your grandfather, who had no idea. He promised he would just scare him off my back." Ben responded holding back the tears he was fighting against.

"What happened next?"

"He killed our father believing he didn't want him because his kidnapper told him his birth parents got rid of him."

"He believed a lie."

"I had a hard time forgiving him. I almost killed your dad but I couldn't bring myself to do it because my brother helped me get torn. If I hadn't I'd still probably be Kylo Ren." Ben replied.

"So you know what I'm going through?" Alexia asked tearing up.

"Yes... I do." Ben answered.

"I thought I was alone in this."

"But you're not."

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