Chapter 12: Fear

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Rey grew more fearful each and every day. It grew inside more and more. It was Palpatine who had put that fear in her and he knew it.

"Rey..." Palpatine mumbled in her mind through the force.

"No... I won't let you in." Rey groaned softly.

"Let the hate flow through you, child. Kill Ben and the children." Palpatine replied. 


"Child, you are not a Skywalker or a Solo. You are a Palpatine, my grand-daughter." 

"Why are you after Kate? She has nothing to do with me or my husband." Rey spat at him. 

"Remember child, your husband killed her mother. You have everything to do with her. Unless... you join me, kill the Solos and Kate and be the empress the galaxy needs and join me. Together we will set order in it." Palpatine offered her. 

"You're a liar and a user. You used Maul until he was worthless, you used Grevious until Obi Wan killed him. Then you went to Count Dooku until Anakin killed him. You moved on to Anakin, preyed on his fear of losing the love of his life, he was loyal to you until Luke showed up, you failed to take Luke and it was your downfall. You tried controlling Ben but like his uncle Luke, he fought against you by my side and we killed you." Rey argued.

"You can't kill me... only one can. But it's not you." Palpatine laughed hard. 

"I killed you once and I can easily do it again."

"You're still that naive little girl you were all those years ago. You thought you could escape me when in reality you can't. You'll never be like Luke Skywalker, your hero or that Han Solo you named your son after. At the end of the day you will need to realize you're just like me." Palpatine replied.

"I'll never be like you." Rey responded as a tear formed and fell on her cheek. 

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