Chapter 5: Sneaking Out

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Han sat in his bed alone in the night thinking about Lily. He was memorized by her even though they had just met. He wanted to talk to her more. He had to talk to her. How will am ever going to talk to her again? Han thought puzzled.

Han decided he was done thinking and decided to go in action. He got dressed and decided to climb out of his window quietly hoping not to wake anyone up.

Han used the force to quietly land on the ground and ran as fast as he could. He knew it was risky to sneak out late at night because of his parents, Alexia and his sister, Hope. But he mentally prepared for himself of the possibility of not seeing Lily.

"Han?" Han heard a familiar voice and winced.
"Who was-" Han whispered looking back and paused as soon as he saw Lily smiling at him.
"Hey." Han repeated as he sighed in relief.
"Scared you!" Lily giggled pointing at him.
"You did not."
"You sure about that?"
"Yes, I am."
"Okay sure."

Lilly and Han talked for what felt like forever but Han was okay with it. They shared childhood stories and smiled and laughed with each other. In that moment Han wasn't a Jedi but a boy talking to a girl and in a romantic setting.

"So is your family any special?" Han asked as they looked at the stars.

"No," Lily whispered. "my family is just a normal family."

"Then why does your family believe in the old Jedi code stuff?"

"It's not just some old Jedi code stuff. It meant something to the Jedi in your great- grandfather's time but you should know that, right?" Lily asked looking at him hoping he'd get the point.

"I know what it meant but times changed. Anakin proved how hypocritical the Jedi order was. They say one thing and do another. I get they meant well but because they didn't help my great- grandfather sooner with his grief he turned into Darth Vader." Han explained meeting her gaze.

"People make mistakes."

"Even the Jedi."

"Anyways, my family believes the Jedi code was not at fault nor the Jedi. They believed Anakin was a lost cause since his birth." Lily replied looking away and focusing on the sky again feeling awkward.

"So you're not allowed to make friends?" Han asked.

"No... I can. But I'm not allowed to have attachments and let it cloud my judgement and training. I'm not even allowed to fall in love and act on it." Lily answered feeling sad.

"Wouldn't you retire at some point?''

"No because I was raised to believe that as Jedi you should die as one too."

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