Chapter 4: Late Night Laughter

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"I've had a great time." Lily giggled.

"Yeah me too but you seriously need to tell me about your family next time we meet." Han responded chuckling.

"Next time." Lily agreed with a nod as she smiled at him.

"I probably should go or else my family will worry about me."

"Yeah it's getting late. My parents are going to kill me. It's late as it is."

"My apologizes, ma'am." Han apologized playfully as he grinned ear to ear. 

"Go," Lily giggled. "or else you'll be really sorry." 

"Already am!" Han exclaimed as he ran off back to home. 

Rey eyed Han as he panted walking home. 

"H-Hey mom." Han panted as he was catching his breath. 

"Don't hey mom me," Rey shot at him. "I was worried sick, ya know."

"I can tell."

"Everyone is out there looking for you. Supper is now cold I assume unless C-3PO and R2 reheated it." 

"They are droids who fought in battle now they're cooking?" Han asked chuckling.

"Han, I'm serious." Rey responded. 

"I am so sorry mom. I lost track of time and I promise it won't happen ever again."

"You are right it won't because you're never ever going out on your own again. I told your father you were not mature enough to handle this." Rey said as they both walked inside. Chewbacca greeted Han with a playful growl and a big hug. 

"Alright, Chewy," Han chuckled. "I'm glad to see you too." 

"R2, alert Ben and the others on Han's return." Rey commanded as she looked at the droid standing beside her. R2D2 beeped in response and listened to her. 

"Master Rey, R2 and I made sure to keep supper warm in time for your arrival." C-3PO informed as he walked in the room. 

"Thank you." Rey sighed in relief.

"It is wonderful to see you return master, Han. My stars we were all so worried about you. Are you alright?" C-3PO asked.

"Yes," Han mumbled. "I'm fine. Thank you." 

"We heard junior is back." Poe said as he opened the door and let everyone in. 

"Knocking is a real thing you know?" Han teased punching Poe's arm playfully.

"Well I  wasn't late for dinner and worried your mother." Poe responded raising an eyebrow. 

"Where were you anyways, kiddo?" Finn asked as everyone sat down as Rey, Alexia, Hope, and the droids set the table. 

"I was out exploring in the woods." Han answered. 

"In your dorky hiding spot?" Hope teased.

"Hope." Rey responded sternly.

"What?" Hope shrugged.

"Manners." Rey answered.

"Sure thing mom." Hope said as she winked at her.

"But where were you?" Rey asked focusing on Han.

"I met someone. She was new here- I was just- I was trying to make a new friend." Han answered with a lazy shrug. 

"She?" Hope repeated in a shocked, mocking tone. 

"Someone's got a girlfriend." Alexia joined in as Hope laughed hard.

"Girls, girls." Ben stopped them. 

They stopped as told and stared at him and Han. They went back and forth. There was a silence that felt like forever. Everyone felt strange and awkward.

"Well?" Hope mumbled breaking the silence. 

"Don't forget about me." Ben started to bust out laughing. Everyone began to laugh hard with them.

"Is she pretty?" Hope asked.

"Is she smart?" Alexia added.

"Yes and yes!" Han shouted trying to shut them up. 

"What's she like?" Rey asked grinning at Han.

"Not you too." Han groaned.

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