Chapter 17: A Missing Piece

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Hope snuck out one morning after breakfast. As far as everyone knew she was in her room studying her textbooks in the history of the force. She wanted to find Lily just out of curiosity. She saw her in his thoughts. Hope thought she was pretty and she understood the appeal to her. She was kind and still strong. From what Hope gathered in Han's journal Lily tested him and he was attracted to that. But she was also a Kenobi so she wanted to meet another legacy like her.

Hope froze when she saw Lily practicing her lightsaber fighting skills on the trees around her. She was across the other side of the river.

Lily stopped feeling someone watching her and Hope quickly hid behind the nearest tree by her.

"Han... is that you?" Lily called out. "I can sense a Solo!"

Hope took a deep breath and revealed herself to Lily and they stared at each other.

"Wrong Solo." Hope giggled.

"I should have known," Lily sighed. "Han would have hid better than that."

"Hey!" Hope shouted as she put her hands on her hips.

"What do you want?"

"Han misses you."

"That's my problem?" Lily asked trying to act like she didn't care. Deep down she did. She missed him but she knew better than to disappoint her family like that. She could not be tempted by her love for Han.

"I know you care!" Hope shouted.

"Are all the Solos this annoying?" Lily snorted.

"Pretty much." Hope answered with a nod and lazy shrug.

"Well tell your brother to leave me alone and stop sending you."

"He doesn't know I was looking for you."  Hope corrected her as she walked towards the river.

"Then why are you here?" Lily asked doing the same.

"Just out of curiosity."

"Just that?" Lily asked raising an eyebrow.

"Han is in love with you." Hope answered.

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