Chapter 7: Peace

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Rey missed Dean every single day even though they had only met twice. Ever since Dean died Rey felt a connection with him. It wasn't like the connection she had with Ben. She loved Dean but she wasn't in love with him ad he loved her the same. Rey only found him a little attractive because he had her husband's face. Ben was the love of her life, her Dyad but Dean was her person and she was his.

Their connection was a deep, beautiful bond. They loved each other in a deep and special way. It was if Dean was her person. Rey never loved someone like that not even Poe or Finn. She loved them as her best friends. Maybe Rey's shared kiss with Dean made her realize that or maybe getting to know him as a force ghost. She didn't know but it was okay with her.

"Dean?" Rey murmured calling to him through the force.

"Rey." Dean said as he appeared in front of her.

"How's Alice?" Rey asked giving him a warm smile.

"She's at peace in the other side as usual." Dean answered with a chuckle.

"I miss talking like this."

"So do I, Rey but we know that's not why you called out for me."

"It seems like you know me better than anyone and I share the Dyad with your brother." Rey joked trying to break the ice in this awkward conversation.

"In a way I do, I guess." Dean replied with a lazy shrug.

"We both grew up not feeling loved."

"Sadly, yes."

"I feel darkness in the force. I know something is coming." Rey said.

"You mean Kate?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow.

"Who is Kate?"

"Kate was a best friend of Alice before I met them both. Then when I came in it was the three of us against the galaxy." Dean answered.

"What does she want?"

"Revenge on you and your family for our deaths."

"Can't you reach her and explain everything?" Rey asked urgently.

"I wish I could but I can't. She's too deep in the dark side and her lust for revenge." Dean answered with a frown.

"You died a Jedi." Rey responded grasping the new reality. She didn't want to believe she'd ever have to fight again. She wanted peace not only for her family and friends but for herself.

"Believe me if I or Alice we could, we would so you and your family could have peace."

"Peace doesn't exist anymore." Rey murmured as a tear fell down her face.

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