Chapter 13: Compassion

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Han and Lily met up in the woods one late night to tall some more.

"Remember when I said my family wasn't special?" Lily asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I remember. Why do you ask?" Han asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I lied. My family is special. I'm a Kenobi."

"As n Obi-Wan Kenobi bloodline?" Han asked as he eyes widened at her.

"I'm his great, great- grand-daughter."

"Obi-Wan was Anakin's...  I mean my great, great grandfather's master." Han responded getting excited.

"I know." Lily giggled.

"I never knew he continued his bloodline. I thought he was loyal to the Jedi code." Han responded as he looked ahead into the river they sat in front of.

"For the most part he did stay loyal until he met a woman who he loved dearly."

"What happened?"

"They had a secret affair until they both realized they were wrong. They wouldn't be able to carry on living a lie. He was a Jedi and she was Duchess Satine Kryze. They lived in two different worlds. It would never work. For awhile when they didn't see each other, she had a secret child and to protect that child from harm she adopted it to a friend of hers. She was later killed by Maul, one of Obi-Wan's greatest enemies. He never knew of his child. He was forced to watch the love of his life get killed without a choice. But the child grew and was told by the adopted parents the truth. It kind of set in motion of future Kenobis believing in the old Jedi code. Because when they reunited that's when Maul killed her." Lily explained.

"If your family believes in the code how have they carried on your bloodline? You're not allowed to fall in love which means--"

"We don't marry and have children for love. We do it to carry on the bloodline. You can have love and compassion for one another. But attachment is forbidden. Consuming yourself with one person's life clouds your judgment and gets you killed." Lily said interrupting him.

"So you'll have to marry and have children to continue?" Han asked.

"Yes but I don't get to choose. My parents choose and I get no say. They say it's for my own good. I'm too young to know who is good and who is not." Lily replied.

"That doesn't sound like a fulfilling life."

"I was made to serve, not love."

"My parents taught me different. They said you need love to live."

"Then they are wrong." Lily shrugged.

"If we can't love then what's the point on living?"

Lily didn't say anything but looked into his eyes. She knew he was right. But her parents said otherwise.

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