Alyson And The Bad Boy.

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Alyson was one among the ten that were hostage in one of the worldwide company buildings. It was hard to believe that it was that easy for five large men to come through the front door carrying guns without a single suspicion.

Alyson and the other's were each tied up to a chair spread randomly around the room that they were trapped in.

All of them were watching the men in silence as the biggest one obviously the man in charge paced in front of them eyeing the phone next to him every once in a while as he was expecting them to make an offer soon for the prisoners safe return.

Only did the men keeping the ten hostage knew that no-one expect them were getting out alive.

The rest of the men were standing by each door with a fully loaded gun as their faces gave away no hint to what they were thinking or feeling.

Alyson often wondered if they even felt guilty about this, even if it was only for a split second. She wasn't stupid and by the looks of things, these few minutes were going to be her last.

The phone rang loudly through the tension filled room causing her to jump a little at the sudden outburst.

The guy in charge smirked evilly before picking up the phone and pushing it lightly against his ear.

"I believe you have ten innocent people in there if I am correct?" A man asked through the phone and he looked over to the hostages and did a quick count.

"I believe so," He said bluntly without any emotion in his tone. There was a short pause as the man on the other end became annoyed at the ignorance of this man.

"What do you want in exchange for the people?" He asked through clenched teeth and the man in charge looked over to his men with a grin.

"1 billion dollars," He said and his wicked grin widened. "Each," He added and there was another pause.

"How many are there of you?" He asked once again through clenched teeth as this man wasn't making it easy for him. But then what do you expect from a tough guy with blood on his hands keeping hostages?

"6," The man replied which caused some of his men eyes to glimmer with excitement and lust. Alyson felt disgusted at the sight of the greedy men, she twisted her head awkwardly around and spotted a man no more than 20 at the far back of the room watching with the same disgust in his eyes but mixed in with hate. She didn't know what it was about the stranger but somewhere in Alyson made her hope that this man wouldn't turn out like the others.

The man, Alyson felt drawn to, felt someonre watching him as he glared holes into his father's body unable to control the rage he had towards him. He diverted his attention to a girl no less than 18 and that's when it happened.

When his blue eyes locked with her brown ones, something strange yet blissful happened. The office around them faded away like it was just them too now.

His eyes glimmered with delight and desire as she looked at him in awe. He was the most attractive person she had seen yet in her life. They both felt a pull to one another as they felt like they could spend an eternity in each other's eyes.

But all of that soon faded when a angry voice boomed through the phone. "That's ridiculous, that's nearly the world's population," The man shouted outraged and the man in charge got inpatient with his words.

Alyson quickly looked away from the god like man as she got nervous by the man in charge's now angry face.

The man continued to stare at the girl in desire as he studied each beautiful strand of blonde hair she had, he almost forgot she was his hostage and when the thought accrue it made him outraged.

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