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Alyson just stared at her mother’s frail face, she could see the dark bags she had under her green sad eyes and how her body shook as she sobbed in front of Alyson’s pictures with many candles lit around it.

One of her dearest friends Susie put a hand on her mother’s bony shoulder as all around her people wept and mourned for their lost ones. 

Everyone that was there had a candle lit in their hands causing the darkness to slowly disappear as more people joined the gathering.

There wasn’t much chatter expect for the words of comfort and sobs of agony, everyone else kept silent feeling as if it was disrespectful to talk.

Alyson spotted Damien’s picture and without thinking walked over to it Blake slowly following after her. She bent down and placed her candle in front of his picture feeling tears sting in her eyes as she touched his picture in awe.

“He was my son,” A women said to her causing her to stiffen in fright. She didn’t look up as she knew if she did she would recognise her so instead she kept her head down and nodded.

“He was a kind man,” Alyson told her and the women beside her laughed humourlessly before ending up crying.

“I’m glad you think so,” She told her before pulling out a used tissue and wiping her eyes with it causing her black eye liner to run down her face along with her tears. “What’s your name?” She asked sniffing and once again Alyson froze. It felt so wrong to her to lie to this poor heart-broken women but what choice did she have?

“Ali,” She told her and she let out another snob and Alyson felt worse that she couldn’t comfort her.

“There was a girl called Alyson who also died in the fire, She was so young and had so much ahead of her,” She sobbed and Alyson felt a little touched that someone she didn’t even know cried over her ‘death’. “I spoke to her mom a couple of times, she is devastated, we clicked just like that and she told me all about her and her family, I feel so bad, she hasn’t got anyone now so I’m going to stick by her side, you know, I feel like I have to for both Alyson and Damien,” She said and Alyson felt tears well up in her eyes even more.

“I have to go,” Alyson said and with that she made a quick escape to the far end of the square fighting back tears she looked back leaning against the big metal fence as Blake approached her side. Leaving the women staring after her a little confused as she made her way over to Alyson’s mom.

The scene around her made her want to burst out crying even more and made her wish her mom would just turn around and spot her. She even tried to call out to her but the lump in her throat restrained her as she continued to watch.

Blake felt her heart breaking as he looked over to the women he guessed was her mother. They looked the same in a way, they both had blonde hair, pale skin and big eyes but her mother’s blonde hair was natted and greasy and her eyes were tried and puffy from tears. Blake could see this women yearned for Alyson and yet she couldn’t have her.

It was better if her mom thought she was dead then she could come to terms that she was never coming back. Blake had seen what missing children did to parents, they never lost hope that they would come home and eventually it ruined their lives, they lost their jobs, houses, love and even their children.

Blake looked down at Alyson and slightly brushed his hand over hers to comfit her. Alyson sniffed and turned to face him. And as soon as her watery brown eyes met his sympathetic blue ones, she crashed her body against his, wrapped her arms around his strong chest and buried her face deep into his shirt.

Blake didn’t take long before he wrapped his strong arms around her and brought her closer telling her it was ok as she sobbed.

“I love her so much, but I can’t go over there, I can’t let go of you,” She whimpered her words a little muffled but Blake caught every word and even though she was crying her heart out, her words were like music to his eyes and warmth to his heart.

“I love you,” He said the words slipping out of his mouth before he could stop them. She became still as she slowly raised her head and just stared at him with a blank expression.

She didn’t say anything as she just stared at him, she wasn’t thinking much either. She hadn’t ever had a boy say that to her before and even if they did she had a feeling it wouldn’t sound as good as it did coming from him.

“You love me?” She asked unsure if she heard him right. Blake nodded a little worried and afaird that what he might of said was too soon for her. She bit her lip nervously and looked around her. All these people had died, it didn’t matter if they were good or bad, Blake’s dad had killed them all and yet she had lived because Blake saved her. If it wasn’t for him she would of been dead and everything she had done in the 17 years she had lived would of been gone and done for nothing.

She remained silent again as she just watched him again. She didn’t know what she was going to do next and she didn’t know if she would regret it late but right now it felt right.

“You saved me,” She blurted out and Blake stood there processing her words before slowly nodding. “Thank you,” She said surprising Blake as he was stuck for words.

With that she reached up on her tiptoes and placed her lips over hers. Blake was in shock as Alyson kissed him but soon enough his eyes slowly closed and their lips moved in sync.

It was like fireworks were exploding within them, their lips and bodies fitted perfectly together like they were whole, one.

Alyson nor Blake had ever felt like kind of attraction before, sure Blake had his fair share of one night stands and kisses but he had never felt something like this before. It was over whelming them like Alyson was Blake’s personal drug that neither of them could get enough of. It worried Alyson that she might not ever be able to stop and if it wasn’t for Blake’s amazing self control they wouldn’t have.

They parted a few inches as each of them caught their breathe, Alyson went back onto her feet and peered up at Blake with shy brown eyes causing his heart to melt as he reached up and brushed his fingers across her slightly pink cheeks. He smiled down at her admiring her beauty before he bent down and put his mouth just inches away from her right ear.


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