Symbol For The Dead.

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Before them was a burnt out bonfire with piles of dead, burnt, corpses. The stench was horrendous, the thick scent of charred flesh and bone covering them like a thick blanket of smoke blending in with the fumes from the fire. Brooke couldn't help but let out a painful whale and started sobbing uncontrollably. Jarrett weakly pulled Brooke into a secure hug, horror struck on his face as he couldn't take away his eyes from the repulsive scene in front of him.

Alyson struggled out of Blake's arms, trying her best to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill. "W-who could of done this?" She stuttered traumatized, her big brown eyes fixated on the stacks of mangled, seared carcasses. Blake's threatening eyes moved around the scene in front of them. Windows were smashed, doors were broken and belongings and clothing were sprawled along the cracked pavement. It looked like a catastrophe and it surprised him that the human authorities hadn't been informed yet. But whoever did do this appeared to have left no-one alive, human or werewolf.

A symbol on a nearby, large brick wall caught Blake's attention. It was a strange circular shape with the two bottom ends joining upwards into two rough lines. It was painted in some sort of red liquid and Blake walked over to it intrigued. He gently touched the symbol with a single finger and slowly brought the liquid up to his nose. He inhaled deeply. His eyes blazed gold as the substance on his finger became known to him. It was indeed blood. Blake gritted his teeth and looked back the others. He met Jarretts shocked eyes knowing what Blake knew whilst Alyson was unsure what it was and Brooke still tucked firmly into Jarrett's warm chest. "I think I know," Blake chewed out through clenched teeth. Brooke peered up from Jarrett's chest and her eyes landed on the symbol. "Oh god!" She cried snuggling her face deep into Jarrett's chest.

Alyson looked between the three of them confused. "Who?" She asked, her eyes flickering between the symbol and Blake's angry face. "My pack" He spat through gritted teeth. Alyson was shocked as her eyes moved over the symbol once again in horror. She had yet to tell them about her father's message. "A-are you sure?" Alyson asked unsure, maybe hoping that he could be wrong. Blake growled, a low rumble rippling through his chest, he was furious, outraged and disgusted. His father had gone too far. Blake thrashed his fist into the brick wall beside him, bits of concrete crumbling around his indent. Alyson rushed over to him. "Are you ok?" She asked worried and pulled his bleeding knuckles into her hands. His wounds healed themselves and Alyson peered up at Blake cautiously. "I need to tell you something," Alyson stated, looking over to Brooke and Jarrett.

Blake retrieved his hand and looked at her questionably. "What is it?" He asked her and Alyson gulped. She hesitated trying to figure out a way to get her words sound less crazy than they already were. "When I passed out," She started but stopped. Doubts filled her head, what if she had just dreamed it? What if it was just her way of trying to see her mother again? "What?" Blake asked looking at her curiously and a little concerned. "Never mind," Alyson laughed, trying to off put the subject. Blake frowned and moved closer to her. He cupped her face with his big strong hands, erupting sparks between them. He could tell she had something on her mind. Their eyes connected, her unsure brown ones staring up at his reassuring blue ones. "You can tell me," He told her, his voice low and husky. She gulped and gave a little smile. Blake dropped his hands from her face and she took in a deep breathe. "When I passed out, something weird happened," She started pausing again to check everyone's expressions. But they seemed surprising calm and attentive.

"What happened Ali?" Brooke sniffled wiping her eyes. Alyson met her with a weak smile and laughed nervously. "I saw," She cleared her throat. "I saw my dad," Brooke's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" Jarrett asked uncertain. Alyson nodded looking between them all. "He said that I needed to find my mom, that she would help" She told them and they all looked confused. "Your mom?" Jarrett asked. "How could your mom help?" Blake questioned her confused. Alyson bit her lip nervously and shrugged. "I don't know, he said something about me having his blood in me or something, but he went before I could ask," They all looked indecisive. "Look, I know this must sound crazy but I know what I saw and when I woke up, I saw this," She looked over to the burned wooden fire. "Before crossing this territory, I knew something was wrong, I had this feeling, it can't be a coincidence," She exclaimed and she looked around at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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