Behind Closed Doors.

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“Where are we going?” Alyson asked intrigued as Blake opened the door for her and she smiled gratefully at him. She did a little curtsy and he laughed but the happiness they were enjoying would soon be over for what Blake was about to show her.       

“So do you have a last name?” Blake asked curiously as they walked and Alyson fell silent. She dreaded it whenever someone asked her for her last name. When she gave it to them, they ended up running away screaming. Her father’s brother was a well known serial killer just been put in prison for the rest of his life for brutally murdering 11 people and raping 7 of them. It made her sick and ashamed to a Clarke.

You see when you met Alyson, you just got Alyson but if you met her family well it’s like hitting an unlucky jackpot.

“You can’t judge me, me and my family are different from each other,” Alyson warned seriously and Blake nodded curious about what was the big deal about her last name.

“Promise?” Alyson asked needing the security that he wouldn’t run away like the others. Bake looked down at Alyson with understanding as he got lost into her brown eyes.

“I promise,” He promised huskily and Alyson looked away nervously.

“Well, my last name is Clarke,” She told him and Blake nodded. He had heard of that sick name before on the news in jailed for a lifetime due to his horrifying crimes. 

“Alyson, I can’t believe you could hurt a fly,” Blake said using her name because he liked the way it sounded. Alyson smiled gratefully, he was one of the few people who hadn’t ran away from her because of it.

“Plus it isn’t as bad as mine, if you were brought up in my world,” Blake added shrugging and Alyson looked up at him intrigued.

“Why?” She asked and Blake smirked.

“Interested are we?” Blake teased her and Alyson blushed lightly looking away from his heaven blue eyes shyly.

Blake couldn’t help but reach out and brush her blonde hair away from her face and behind her ear, causing his skin to gently graze over hers. Alyson shivered from the contact, her heart rate picked up as she tried to catch her thoughts as well as her breath.

She looked up into his brown eyes as he wrapped a strong arm around her skinny waist and pulled her close to him.

Alyson could feel his muscles from under his shirt and Blake slowly bent down so he was hovering just over her lips. He feel every raced beat Alyson heart was taking and he had to admit his was doing the same.

“Brother?” A girl asked her voice coming from behind Blake. Alyson snapped out of her daze and jumped out of his embrace embarrassed with a deep blush on her face.

Blake held back a growl at Alyson’s sudden retreat as well as being interrupted by his sister. He wrapped an arm over Alyson’s shoulder to prove a point to his wolf and himself and turned around to face his sister, Brooke.

“Brooke, this is my mate, Alyson,” Blake introduced and Brooke looked over to Alyson with pure excitement it almost scared Alyson.

“I’ve heard, Oh my, you have killer hair, I’m so jealous, I tried going blonde once, big mistake ended up going green,”  Brooke explained, nervously laughing at the end of her little babble. She really wanted Alyson to like her, Blake hadn’t really had any long term girlfriends and Brooke wanted to make the effort.

Alyson grinned finding the girl in front her incredibly blunt. Brooke’s smiled widen at the fact that Alyson hadn’t looked at her weirdly like the other’s did at her school.

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