I'm No Dog.

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“You what?” Alyson shouted furiously feeling the anger radiating off of her, who did this man in front of her think he was? Blake growled annoyed at his mate who was questioning his authority as he grew impatient with her.

“Do you know what I had to do to spare you?” He snarled causing Alyson to shake with fear as his voice vibrated throughout her body. She didn’t like this man in front of her when he was angry and so she chose to do what she did best remain silent.

“My dad had to tell four angry violent wolves that they had wasted their time and couldn’t get their share of a billion dollars because I found my weak defiant pathetic mate?” Blake snarled but as soon as those harsh words had passed his lips he instantly regretted them. Alyson took a step away from him unsure of her emotions that were boiling inside of her.

“I shouldn’t of said that, I’m sorry,” Blake apologised reaching out his hand to touch her but she flinched away from his attempt of contact.

“I’m no dog,” She spat at him sounding braver than she felt inside. Blake’s anger boiled up in him again and he let one dangerous growl at his mate.

Alyson’s eyes flickered with fear, she didn’t trust that he wouldn’t harm her even if he said he wouldn’t. “Please, I need to see my mother,” She pleaded helplessly, her mother only had her since her little brother and father had been killed in a car crash earlier this year causing her mother to go into deep depression and Alyson feared that without her there her mother wouldn’t proceed her life.

Blake slammed his strong fist into the wall making it cave in at his force. Alyson jumped at his sudden violence as Blake tried to keep clam but it wasn’t any use. He couldn’t imagine how much trouble he was in with his father and his pack by ruining their plans. He couldn’t trust his father or his pack that they wouldn’t go after Alyson for revenge because they didn’t get their money and let’s face it, Alyson was weak, not even a strong human could take on one wolf let alone four.

Blake was aware of how brutal and unforgiving his future pack was and some of the lower ranked wolves were even afraid to live in their town.

It angered Blake more than it should and he made it his promise that things would change when his father stepped down and it wouldn’t be an easy task but with Alyson by his side as Luna he felt like he could do anything. However, one thing he was worried about which kept replaying in his mind was, is she strong enough? His world was full of danger.

How could a selfless kind girl turn into a infuriated threatening wolf like himself? He didn’t want that for her but he didn’t have a choice and neither did she.

“Get yourself cleaned up, dinner is soon and I guess you’re hungry,” Blake told her moodily before aggressively opening the door and slamming it back.

The loud bang from the door echoed throughout the now silent room as Alyson slid down the wall she was pressed against and onto the floor.

She curled herself into a ball as tears welled her eyes at the thought of never seeing her mother again and having to stay here with that scary violent man of a monster but what made it worse was Blake could feel every painful sob she took and it broke his heart.  

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