Changing Alyson.

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Pain shattered through Alyson’s weak body like a thousands knives were stabbing in her. She could feel the venom from Blake’s teeth invade her blood as she let out a whimper of pain. Her blood feeling like hot liquid flowing through her body as her heart started to beat faster like a pathetic attempt to fight.

Blake removed his teeth from her neck and slowly brought his face back so he could look at her. Tears stung in her eyes as Blake brushed her hair away from her face, knowing she would soon blackout.

“It’s going to be ok,” He comforted her as she nodded gulping hard as sudden heat flushed through her body, almost as if a fire had started inside of her.

She felt her legs weaken and numb as her eyelid became heavy. She fought to stay awake with all her might but she knew sometime or another she would have to fall asleep. She kept her eyes on Blake’s as she let out another small whimper as sweat began to form on her forehead.

“Sleep, Alyson, I won’t let anything happen to you,” He reassured her as she stiffly nodded. The numbness and fire made their way through her body as she went limp in Blake’s strong arms before she slowly blacked out.

Blake sighed as he picked her up bridal style and hurried out of the room, heading towards the pack doctor where she would complete her transformation.

He could feel Alyson fighting with her life against his venom but she would soon have to give in, if she liked it or not. Blake picked up his speed as he turned down another corridor and down a flight of stairs.

It wasn’t long before Blake reached the door of the pack’s doctor’s room and took no time in barging through it.

Phil, the pack doctor abruptly stood up as he looked over to Blake who was carrying a human girl in his arms. He had heard of the young soon to be alpha’s human mate which could mean only one thing, she was changing.

Phil rushed over to his side and let Blake place her gently on the mental bed. Without speaking he went over to her side and checked her heart and pulse, lastly checking her eyes before turning back to Blake. “She is in a good state, your blood is building in her’s and soon it will take over her’s completely, once it’s done that, it will attack her DNA and change and add to it,” Phil explained adjusting his thin circular framed glasses as Blake nodded but didn't take his eyes off of Alyson’s sleeping body.

“We need to chain her to the bed as she may wake up a few times and fight to be free,” Phil added and Blake snapped his eyes up at him.

“Ok,” He said swallowing hard. “Thank you, Phil, I will call my father through the pack link while you fetch the chains,” He told him and Phil nodded scurrying off into his closet.   

Blake closed his eyes and called to his father. Father. It didn't take long before their was a loud irritated growl.

Yes? He heard his father’s raspy voice snap moodily through the mind link. Blake bit back his anger and clenched his fists.

We need you to come to the pack doctor as Alyson will be finishing her transformation soon. He informed his father, not giving him the chance to respond as he shut the link down and called to his sister.


What’s up brother? is Alyson ok? ask her if she wants to go shopping? Aw man I could do with new clothes and a new friend at that. Brooke rambled aimlessly back.

Alyson is changing, Brooke, I thought you might want to come on down.  Blake told her.

Oh my god, I will be there right away. She urgently replied.

Blake sighed as he stared down at Alyson’s beautiful face, he knew she would make an amazing wolf.

Phil emerged from his closest with two big chains in his bony hands interrupting Blake’s thoughts as he snapped his eyes up at him. “Can I?” He said asking for permission gesturing to the chains in his hands.

The thought of his mate being chained up made his wolf angry as he swiftly nodded, Phil coming over to Alyson’s side and gently picked up her hand and placed it up to the metal frame.

Blake growled and touched Phil’s shoulder, stopping him. He darted his eyes over to Blake’s angry dark ones as he slightly became frightened. He knew what Alpha males could be like over their mates.

“It won't hurt her right?” He growled and Phil swallowed back his fear before shaking his head. A little  bit relief flashed through Blake and he nodded at him for him proceed.

Phil continued to chain both of her wrists to the frame above her head and moved over to her feet doing the same to her ankles.

The door slammed open as Blake turned around with clenched fists because he knew who it was without even having to look.  “Father,” Blake bitterly greated through gritted teeth as Phil bowed his head in respect to his Alpha.

“Alpha Liall,” Phil said as he ignored his son’s rudeness and smirked as the all too familiar and addicting power fed him.

“How is she?” Liall asked curiously cocking his head as he looked over to Alyson with hidden delight, he knew she was something special the moment he laid eyes on her.

Blake shoved back a growl but moved closer to Alyson’s side protectively remembering the promise he had made her.  

“Shes-,” Phil was cut short, Blake cutting him off.

“She’s fine,” Blake snapped and Liall’s eyes flickered over to Blake’s stiff body.

“I was only asking, she is a pretty thing after all, it would be a shame if she didn't make it,” Liall stated with an evil glint in his eyes.  

Blake whole body became rigid as his eyes became dark and emotionless. Yes, there was a chance, Alyson wouldn't make it but Blake knew she would. She wouldnt of been his mate if she couldn't

“Father,” I heard Brooke say coldly from the doorway, behind Liall. Liall turned around with a pleased smile on his face and he looked over to his daughter.

But Brooke was far from interested in her father as she kept her eyes on Alyson with worry. In the short time they had knew each other, Brooke had become quite fond of her new found friend.

She moved past Liall ignoring his gaze as she approached her side. “How is she doing?” She asked Blake as she flickered her eyes between him and her.

“Phil?” Blake asked as they all turned their attention to the dark long haired middle aged man. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt the radiance of power surging from each of them.  

“She’s doing well as I said earlier she may wake up but you can’t take anything she says to heart, she will hallucinate and won't be herself,”He informed them and Brooke gulped looking back down sympathetically at her. If only they knew what was really happening in Alyson’s head.

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