Her death is on you.

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Alyson was laughing as her father messed her hair up and took off chasing her brother through the meadow they were walking through.

It was a beautiful day, with a clear bright blue sky as the trees swayed at the hint of wind making some of the bolism fall from them as Alyson let out a giggle as she danced and twirled in the pink coloured petals.

“Charlie!” She called playfully as she giggled again and ran faster after her little brother. The grass in the meadow reached her knees as she trambled through it after him.

“You can’t get me, Ali,” He called turning his head and sticking his tongue out at her. Life danced in his eyes as she finally reached him and tackled him softly to the ground.

“You were saying?” She laughed and Charlie sulked, their dad reaching them with amusement in his eyes.

“I miss you, Ali,” Charlie said sadly and she caught the warning look her father gave Charlie and he plopped down next to them.

“What are you talking about? I’m right here,” She told them laughing nervously at the end as she got a feeling something dreadful about to happen.

Charlie shook his head. “Not for long,” He said miserably and Alyson frowned down at her little brother.  

“Why?” She asked curiously as she couldn't help but notice clouds starting the cover the once bright sky.

“Because we are dead, Ali,” Charlie simply told her the wind picking up and her heart tugged in pain and her face dropped.

“No you're not, you're right here,” Alyson resorted her voice a high pitch as tears stung in her eyes

“Charlie,” Her father warned and Alyson snapped her eyes over to her father.

“Daddy?” She asked and he gave her a smile but she could see right through it. She could see the sorrow hidden in his eyes as her world came crashing down.

“It’s ok, sweetie,” He cooed but Alyson got up and stumbled away from them.

“A-am am I dead?” She asked weakly her voice threatening to break as she took another step backwards.

Her dad instantly shook his head “No, but we are, Charlie say your goodbyes again, Ali has to go for a while,” He told Charlie as he nodded.

“B-but I don’t want to go, where am I going?” She asked panicking as she whipped her head around, things were started to get blurry as she looked helplessly back over to her brother who was waving a goodbye, until everything went black.

Alyson fluttered her eyes open and tried to sat up straight, in desperate need to find Charlie and her dad. But she couldn't her hands were stuck above her head as well as her ankles.   

“Alyson, it’s ok,” Blake murmured stroking her hair but she couldn't hear him. She struggled more as she desperately tried to get out of the things that were keeping her captive.

“Where’s Charlie?” She cried trying to look around but her head felt like a heavy piece of metal as all she could see was a white painted ceiling with dim lights.

“Who’s Charlie?” Blake asked worried as Alyson managed to turned her head furiously back and forth. But yet again Alyson couldn't hear him, deafen by her own scream of pain.

A large throbbing pain pounding in her head. “Where’s my dad?” She screamed helplessly, her breathing came out in pants.

She felt itchy all over as she tried to claw at her arms but she couldn't break free of the things that were binding her down.

“Alyson,” Blake called out and this time she heard him. She turned her head and she tried to remember who that voice belonged to.

She met a pair of worried blue eyes as all her pain faded as she became fascinated by them. “It’s going to be ok,” Blake told her as she felt her heavy head nod and once again was consumed into darkness.

Blake gritted his teeth and wipe away her blonde hair from her sweating forehead. He could feel the pain he had inflicted on her and the worst part was, he could do nothing about it.

“Dammit,” He hissed under his breath and Brooke looked over to her father’s blank expression before going over to his side.

She rubbed his shoulders comfortably but she shook her off of him. “I did this to her,” He growled snatching his hand away from her face and running it down his.

“This is why you should not have a human mate,” Liall muttered shaking his head shamefully. Blake clenched his fists in anger as Brooke sent him daggers of hate.

“It’s not like I had a choice in that matter,” He spat. “Father,” He added icily through clenched teeth,looking up his eyes burning.

Liall’s lips upturned into a smirk. “If we had of killed her the day we robbed that bank, she wouldn't be in this pain,” He restorted knowing that by playing that card he would get a reaction. “Son,” He added chuckling lowly.

Blake’s whole body and blood boiled in rage, shaking as he fought for control over his wolf. His wolf wanted to kill the man who had suggested his mate would of been better off dead, Alpha, father or not. He didn't care.

“Blake,” Brooke warned stepping in front of Blake’s shaking body to block his path to their father. Worried that Blake might actually kill him this time.

“Son of a bitch, mom is a human because you were too much of a coward mutt to turn her into one of us, I did this,” He paused pointedly furiously down at Alyson’s sleeping body. “This for her protection so she won't die from cancer like mom will, her death is on you!” He snarled feeling the room vibrate from the strength of his voice.

Phil strunk back, the power too much for his wolf or a human to handle. Liall glared at his son, his words cutting deep.  

“Dad, go,” Brooke ordered firmly, feeling disgusted that he would say that about Alyson. He had stepped over the line, he was finally losing it.

Liall’s eyes landed on his daughter who was protecting her brother protectively. He saw the disgust she wore in her eyes, humiliating him as he gulped. Finding the power radiating off of his son, even for an alpha like himself too much to handle.

He composed himself and with one last look at the three, he left. Deep down knowing when Alyson awoke, he would no longer be Alpha.

His son will take his place and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that will never happen.

Even if it meant having to kill his own son in the process.

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