Typical Human.

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“Let’s go get you something to eat,” Blake said removing his hand from her face leaving her yearning for his touch again. He took her hand and lead her out of his mother’s room.

Alyson nodded just now noticing the ache in her belly for food. She glanced back at the sleeping women in the bed one last time before he shut the door closed.

They walked in silence neither of them in the mood to talk. They were just enjoying each other’s company as Blake led her down a different way they had came.

Alyson couldn’t bring herself to admit she had willing taken the upcoming position as Luna, but seeing that women lying in her death bed, she felt like she had a duty to her and Blake. Even a little to the pack too.

Blake also couldn’t believe she had agreed. He didn’t expect his mother to have this much of an effect on her. He just wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her tight. But he was scared that if he did anything too approaching she would bounce back and put them where they were this morning, arguing and fighting.

He couldn’t risk that, he could feel her slowly giving into her new life, it would just take time. He only hoped that showing her his human mother to her wouldn’t give her false hope she could remain human. What his father did was dangerous all because he couldn’t say no to her, it would be hard to turn Alyson if she asked him not to but he had to do it for her.

Like his father, the pack had become cruel and unforgiving. The weaker wolves savaged off the streets like humans, it disgusted Blake. The pack and his father were hated in their world and even in the humans. Change needed to happen and it wasn’t going to be easy. They needed two strong leaders to accomplish it. Otherwise the wolves that will rebel could use her humanity to their advantage.

It also gave him comfort that she could defend herself and it would decrease the distraction it would have on him if he had to look out for her as well. He knew all too well she never asked for any of it nevertheless, they were mates, it was their destiny to be together.

They turned a corner taking them down a different corridor and stopped in front of a metal door. Alyson stood a little nervously by his side while observing her surroundings. She could tell by the piled up boxes, peeling paint and distant smell of trash this wasn’t like the rest of the corridors. She spotted two large wooden doors that almost looked a lot like stable doors at the end of the corridor unable to ignore the horrid smell that was coming from behind them.

Blake raised his fist and knocked fairly loudly on the door, if it wasn’t metal he might of broken it. A few seconds past and the door flew open to reveal a man about Blake’s age standing there with a very serious face.

Alyson studied the man closer as their faces changed into a massive smile and they patted each other welcomingly on the back, laughing like they were best friends. Which of course they were.

The man’s eyes flicked down to Alyson with interest and then back at Blake. There wasn’t a doubt the man was pleased with the sight of her and it angered Blake a little that his best friend would look at her that way but he shrugged it off, after all this man wasn’t used to Blake having a girlfriend let alone a mate.

“Alyson this is Jarrett, my best mate, Jarrett this is Alyson, my mate,” Blake introduced causing Jarrett to laugh.

“Well hello there Alyson, the first to take Blake off the market I see,” Jarrett laughed causing Blake to elbow him in the ribs. He howled in pain as Blake glared at him. He coughed awkwardly unable to resist holding his side were Blake had injured him. Even though it was only a nudge it had the impact of strong human’s punch.

“You obviously didn’t just come here to beat me so what’s up?” He asked now seriously. Blake’s eyes flicked down to Alyson who he couldn’t help but notice was cowered very closely to his side.

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