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He slowly trailed along the path on his way to morning training. His dark hair covering his blue eyes and his pace slow. He looked at the green colours from trees and bushes. The morning was quiet and nobody was awake yet.

His small hands reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He browsed through everything before landing on his favourite app. Wattpad.

He opened up the icon and went straight to messages, remembering that he sent a message to @tinydinasours. His mouth hung open as he read the response he surprisingly received.

'Hey!! I'm so glad you enjoyed my writing!! I do try my best to make it interesting?.... how's your day been??'

He blue eyes widened once again in shock after reading the message. His fingers quickly typed up a response in hope of making a new friend.

'Hey!! You're writing is amazing so it should be no surprise that I enjoyed it! My days just started, it's 5:40am over here. I'm on my way to training for my sport!'

Kageyama never had friends so the thought of having an online friend was exhilarating. He continued walking to the gym arriving first like always.

Kageyama always arrived extra early as he felt he needed some alone time before starting practice. He always feels insecure when other people are around so he comes early to actually enjoy the feeling of being on the court without over thinking.

Sadly today, someone had to break his peace.

He slowly walked into the gym with his messy blonde hair blowing in the wind. His uniform scruffy yet attractive. His eyes set place on the raven haired setter and a smirk sat on his face.

"Hey King, why so early?" The blonde questioned.

"I'm always this early saltyshima." The raven replied.

The blonde chuckled lightly before setting his bags down and sitting. Minutes of defending silence passed and they both couldn't take it anymore.

Kageyama decided to step up and started a conversation with Tsukishima. It wasn't anything special as they just talked about their mornings, but they found that they didn't mind each other's presence as much as they led on. Though we all know they'll never admit it.

Everyone else started to arrive and Kageyama and Tsukushima stopped talking to each other to make the situation seem less suspicious.

He sighed as he ran his fingers through his blue locks. He stood up and got a ball before calling Hinata over. He started setting and digging, stretching and prepping. Getting ready for practice.

Kageyama always took practice seriously, it was just mini matches and by taking each seriously, you'd become better at the sport. Not many people thought the same way though, that's why Kageyama was ecstatic when Hinata came to the club.

Although they had a rough start, the ended up being close. Right now, he hopes that will happen between him and Tsukishima.

Ahhh short chapter sorry!! I love this song so listen to it on repeat ❤️🧍🏾‍♀️also sorry for mistakes, I couldn't be bothered to re read my work today 😌

Online Friends- Tsukikage/KagetsukiWhere stories live. Discover now