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The blonde buttoned up their shirt before checking how they looked in the mirror. They smiled at the sight before running downstairs and looking at their clock. 5:45pm it read. They smiled as the door bell rang. 

Tsukishima and Kageyama have now been dating for 2 years. The pair are third years and are getting close to the end of their high school journey. They started dating at the end of their first year and everyone is impressed that they are not only still together, but still madly in love with each other. 

It was Sunday night and Kageyama and their sister Miwa were going to come over to the Tsukishima's home. Kageyama and Tsukishima planned to share their relationship with the two people they love the most-well after each other. Tsukishima was excited to finally tell his mother about their relationship but is worried about her reaction.

'Babe I'm kind of scared... what if your mother doesn't approve or what if Miwa doesn't! We'll have to run away or something and I don't want to run awa-' the raven heads ramble was interrupted by the blonde. 'I'm scared as well but we came out to both of them as trans and not straight bubs, if they were homophobic they would've kicked us out already or not talked to us. Miwa always talks to me and my mum adores you, I can confidently say that this will go well.' 

Kageyama calmed down and agreed with Tsukishima. Xe is so grateful for Tsukishima, he always knows just what to say to make Kageyama feel safe and calm and even in time when they don't they stay there to keep Kageyama some company stopping Kageyama from doing anything irrational. 

'Kei, Miwa is here!' The blonde heard their mother shout. 'That's our cue, come on Tobs!' The blonde said pulling up the raven of their bed. The raven head giggled as they ran down the stairs. 

Kageyama was excited to see their sister as they don't meet up often. Xe ran into their sisters arms and hugged her tightly. 'My beautiful sibling, I missed you!' Miwa said smiling down at Kageyama. 'I missed you to Mi Mi!' Kageyama responded kissing her cheek. 

'You guys are too cute!!' The lady who looked similar to the blonde squealed while taking a photo. The blonde smiled but it slowly faded as obvious negative thoughts filled their head. 

Tsukishima couldn't help but feel guilty in that moment. If it wasn't for him and their weird queerness them and their brother could've had a good relationship and his mother could've enjoyed raising her children. Ms. Tsukishima picked up on this immediately and hit Tsukishima's head, 'I love our little family more though you big baby.' She whispered to Tsukishima. Tsukishima smiled lightly while the other siblings parted and they moved to go sit to eat. 


Time Skip


The dinner went well and everyone was full. It was now that Tsukishima and Kageyama decided to tell the two ladies in front of them. Tsukishima looked at Kageyama for conformation and Kageyama nodded. Tsukishima took a deep breather before speaking, holding Kageyama's soft hand under the table. 

'Hey guys, Tobio and I wanted to tell you something.' The blonde spoke up, capturing the attention of the other two who were indulging in a peppy conversation. They nodded as a signal for the blonde to continue. 

'Tobio and I are dating and have been for two years now, at first we didn't want to tell you guys as we were worried but now we were just putting it off without real reasons, I guess it's the previous lack of acceptance we've both experienced,' The blonde spoke, looking over to the raven head who nodded before continuing, 'but we really wanted to share this with you guys, we trust you and love you so thank you for being here with us through thick and thin.' The blonde finished. 

Everyone started crying from Tsukishima's words, including Tsukishima himself. The pain they experienced when his dad and brother left was indescribable, to this day it still affects him but his proud of how far they have now come. They are able to trust Kageyama as well as Miwa and his mother.

Kageyama has always struggled with acceptance, self-acceptance and acceptance from others. Their homophobic parents, old teammates who were homophobic, xeir own mind telling them that they are disgusting, all these things were holding Kageyama back from being who they really wanted but with Tsukishima, Miwa and Ms. Tsukishima xe got through it. They accept themselves which is something they weren't able to do until recently. 

Miwa and Ms. Tsukishima watched their family members go through hell and back. Ms. Tsukishima watched Tsukishima cry himself to sleep everyday believing that the world would be better of without them, and to see the same child but now being confident and loving themselve made her indescribably happy. 

Miwa video called Kageyama all those days when xe felt dysphoric, sat there helping them when xeir past teammates were bullying them, helped xem move forward from the comments some of their current teammates have made and seeing Kageyama love themselve was enough to make her breakdown. 

Crying together seeing the progress, making the progress they couldn't help but smile. It's been rough for the pair but they found each other and that was enough. 


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