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He lazily yawned as he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake up. He slowly stood up, pushing aside his bed covers, while running his hand through his golden locks. He walked over to the bathroom in his spacious room and brushed his teeth, his eyes still closed from fatigue. He splashed water on his face before sitting down and picking up his phone.

It was Saturday and everyone was relaxing after the gruelling training sessions the volleyball team has been having. Tsukishima was bored and didn't have enough energy to do anything so he decided he'd stay indoors today, which is different to his usual plans. Most weekends his always out at the bakery close to his house to try their new cakes.

His long fingers swiped across the screen, checking messages and new posts. He then saw the app, reminding him of his new friend. He logged onto Wattpad and went to message milktklove.

tinydinosaurs: Hey!! How've ya been haha it's been a while :)

milktklove: Hey !! I've been alright :)) it has been a while hahaha, what ya been up to?

tinydinasours: Not much, loads of training for my sport haha I'm just relaxing at home now

milktklove: omg same, what sport do you play!!

tinydinasours: I play volleyball:)

milktklove: really?! Same! We do be twinning doe ;)

tinydinasours: bahaha yep we do! I'm surprised, not many people play volleyball

milktklove: tru it's gotten pretty popular where I live tho :)

tinydinasours: where do you live? I live in Japan

milktklove: same !! Omg we have to much in common lmfao

tinydinasours: I agree hahah

milktklove: wanna play a game??

tinydinasours: sure, what do you have in mind??

milktklove: hmmm how about truth or dare!

tinydinasours: sure !! Sounds fun haha

milktklove: ok truth or dare??

tinydinasours: truth :)

milktklove: hmmmmm

milktklove: what's your sexuality (don't have to answer if you don't wanna)

tinydinasours: haha all g, I am skoliosexual but sadly still in the closet

milktklove: that's cool!! Is there a reason you're in the closet? Or do you just not feel the need to come out

tinydinasours: although I never admit it I do care about those around me a lot and their opinions on me matter, that's why I freeze up whenever I feel like coming out

milktklove: interesting, I hope one day you'll feel comfortable enough to come out to them!!

tinydinasours: thank you :)) it's my turn now, truth or dare

milktklove: truth hehe

tinydinasours: okie dokie I'll just go with the same questions, what's ur sexuality

milktklove: I am pansexual hehe

tinydinasours: cool beans ;)

milktklove: truth or dare :D

tinydinasours: hmmmm truth lol

milktklove: ahh what's your gender lol

tinydinasours: good question, if I identify as a man lol but I do go by they/he pronouns, they're more comfortable for me

milktklove: ooo that's cool! I am actually non-binary and go by they/them and xe/xim pronouns

tinydinasours: that's cool! I'll make sure to keep that in mind if I talk about you haha

milktklove: have you told anyone about your pronouns?

tinydinasours: Nup not yet, it's kinda daunting for me, how about you??

milktklove: I haven't either, it's a big change for people, in mostly worried about my volleyball team's acceptance since my parents are dicks anyways lmfao

tinydinasours: LMFAOOOO

tinydinasours: I'm also worried about my mother's acceptance, I don't have a father tho lol he left us a while back

milktklove: oh, I'm sorry you don't see him

tinydinasours: it's fine, I have my mother and brother anyways, do you have any siblings?

milktklove: haha yea I do, I have a sister named Miwa, she's lovely

tinydinasours: lucky! My brother is annoying as hell, but Ik he has good intentions

milktklove: hahaha

tinydinasours: lol we abandoned the game

milktklove: bahaha I guess we did

tinydinasours: you have a favourite food?? Mines strawberry short cake, I like strawberry flavoured anything though

They continued to chat all through the weekend, unaware of the fact that they were talking to each other. They quickly got along. Talking to tinydinasours (Tsuki) got Kageyama to feel ready to come out to xier team on Monday.

Update done! Sorry for slow updates 😪 I'm trying 😭

Online Friends- Tsukikage/KagetsukiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon