
705 31 12

TW!: Panic Attack 

'Bye mum! Bye dad! Enjoy your weekend out!' The raven head called as two adults left the house. They excitedly ran back to their room after closing the door and seeing off their parents. They picked up their phone and started messaging.

Kageyama's parents were often up and about leaving Kageyama behind, Kageyama didn't really care as he didn't particularly like them anyways. He also enjoyed weekends like these as they were the only weekends xe was able to dress up how they wanted to, they enjoyed dressing up in clothes considered 'feminine'. 

Their finger swiped onto wattpad before smiling and going to messages. Their eyes browsed the contacts before it landed on one- tinydinosaurs.

Even after finding out their real identities they tended to use wattpad to communicate, it was just a cute reminder of how their relationship blossomed. 

milktklove: HEYYY 

milktklove: BABE

milktklove: BABYYYY

milktklove: DADDY

tinydinosaurs: YES?? 

milktklove: so you respond to daddy but not babe baby or hey?? 

milktklove: that's kinda sus 🤨

tinydinosaurs: oh shut up

tinydinosaurs: it's like 10am and i just woke up, my response was just at the wrong timing kid 

milktklove: who you calling kid 😑

tinydinosaurs: no one....

milktklove: good. 🙃

milktklove: ANYGAYS 

milktklove: My parents are gone!! well for the weekend but still :) I am so excited lol 

tinydinosaurs: YAY!! ur gonna have a parent free weekend babe <3

The conversation went on for a while but what Kageyama didn't know is Tsukishima quickly got ready and was already on his way to Kageyama's house. Kageyama however decided to spoil xemself and started changing, oblivious of the blonde haired person heading his way. 

The raven head added a few flower hair clips into their hair and checked out their outfit in the mirror. The raven head wore a cute oversized pastel pink hoodie and blue thigh highs. Clipped onto the right thigh high was a pink love heart garment and on the left was a blue one. They smiled at themselves widely at the mirror. Underneath sat a cute pink with black stripped skirt. Their smile was radiant. 'RINGG RINGG' they quickly ran downstairs assuming it was the mail man.

Tsukishima arrived at Kageyama's house and pressed the doorbell. He wanted to surprise their wonderful partner. Tsukishima was smiling like an idiot already, just the idea of seeing Kageyama made him all giddy inside. The door opened and Tsukishima smiled widely before his expression changed to one of shock. 

The two stared at each other, both shocked before the raven head ran away. The blonde closed the door and ran after the raven head. 'You're so disgusting' 'You're so weird' 'You're a tranny' 'You're a fag'. The raven head sat in a corner mumbling these words and much more while crying.

Tsukishima was shocked at the scene and stood still for a moment before running forward to help. He engulfed Kageyama in a warm hug and that was enough to bring Kageyama back to reality. Kageyama looked up at Tsukishima while Tsukishima wiped of their tears smiling softly. 

'S-Sorry for over-reacting and all, I- nobody has really seen me like this, I am not exactly proud of my taste either, I will change what I wear if you want...' The raven head said looking down at their lap. 'You look amazing. Like really hot. Like absolutely sexy. That's why I was shocked, I was shocked by how attractive you look... please don't change what you want to wear because of other people's opinions... you always have me if anyone says anything.' The blonde replied while leaving soft kisses all over the other's face. 

Kageyama was blushing hard. Xe was amazed how much Tsukishima impacted them. Usually when they had a panic attack it took ages to calm down but right now Kageyama felt calm. Better than calm, they felt loved. 

The raven head was still blushing but mustered up some weird confidence. 'So you think I look amazing...?' They asked. The blonde smiled and said 'yes'. 'And hot' the raven head continued. The blonde blushed this time but nodded. 'and REALLY sexy hmm?' the raven continued once again, now smirking. The blonde just nodded at a loss for words. 'Well then, come with me handsome' the raven whispered into the blondes ear.


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