Personal Driver

830 40 4

Cory's POV

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I broke it." I announce for about the third time since talking to the obnoxious blonde on my left.

"Wow! When I saw you fall, I knew immediately that you had to of done something to your arm!" The blonde remarks animatedly.

She's too cheery for my liking at the moment. I've had a pretty shit night and the last thing that I want to do is have a detailed chat with a Barbie Doll.

"I'm Hannah, by the way."


Hannah has plastered her face with makeup and is wearing a dress that screams attention whore.
I've come across many of these girls in college. I even dated one for maybe a week.

After I fell on my wrist, I tried getting into the car to drive but the pain was unbearable. That's when Hannah knocked on my window and offered to take me to the hospital.

"So, how did you end up at that wedding?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"I've known Liam, the groom, since high school. We've stayed friends after all this time."

She nods, acknowledging what I've just said.

"What about you? How did you end up there?" I ask, not entirely interested.

"Well, I originally went with this guy as his date." She chuckles and tightens her grip on the steering wheel.

"Long story short, I found him shoving his tongue down some other girl's throat. Then I left and found you tripping over your own two feet." She giggles after saying that.

"You don't sound very disappointed."

"I already knew he was an asshole when he asked me out. I was kinda expecting him to screwup at some point during the wedding."

We enter the hospital parking lot and eventually drive up to the entrance.

"Do you want me to wait out here?" Hannah asks.

"No, I'll call a cab or something."

"Really, it's no trouble."

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime, Cory."

Right before shutting her car door, I make a bold move.

"Tell that asshole from the wedding that he doesn't deserve you."

Hannah smiles and mouths a thank you at me before I enter the hospital.

It's white, tiled and cold. Like every other hospital that I've ever been to.
A tired looking receptionist snaps her head up to me as I approach her desk.

"May I help you?"

"Yes, I...uh fell on my wrist and I'm pretty sure that it should be x-rayed."

"I see. I'll inform a doctor and assign a nurse to x-ray it. You could be waiting awhile since it's so late, take a seat while I print up some paperwork." She tilts her chin up to the waiting room.

I nod and walk to the small chairs and place my giant body on one of then.

Was it too much to ask for a decent sized chair?

The receptionist was right. I would be waiting for awhile.
An hour later, my wrist had swelled a surprising amount.

Well shit.

"Cory Monteith?" A nurse in blue scrubs announces while emerging from double doors with a clipboard at hand.

I stand and join her as we walk through the double doors and past hallways with other nurses. They all look exhausted.

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