The Last Straw

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Lea's POV

I'm sitting in the principle's office with Dianna to the right of me and my principle in front of me.

We were waiting for my dad, Dianna's parents were already here and waiting outside.

The phone on his desk rings. He listens and says yes then hangs up the phone.

"Lea, your dad has just arrived. We are going to bring all of your parents in here now."

We both nod as I hear the door open. It was Dianna's parents and my dad.

His expression was unreadable, while her parents seem worried and angry.

"Lea, would you care to explain the situation that recently happened today?" My principle asks.

"I got mad at Dianna and we got into an actual fight." I left my story a little vague.

"I don't understand, I thought you guys were friends or something?" My dad asks confused.

"Things change, dad." I reply blankly.

"Why were you mad?" My principle asks staring me dead in the eyes.

Telling my life story to people I don't even really like is almost as bad as being hit by a car.

Only Cory knew I cut, not my dad, not anybody.

But I had to tell them, so I did.

I told them that I cut, the Dean situation, Cory, the nasty looks from people and Dianna.

My dad burst into tears when he heard the cutting part, my principle was just surprised.

Finally he spoke up.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, maybe you should see a therapist..."

I roll my eyes. I don't need a therapist, I need Cory!!

He continues "But you still got into a heated fight with miss Agron and that means I have no choice but to suspend you for one week, along with a month of before school detention."


The car ride home with my dad was silent. His body was so tense and shrugged up that I didn't know how he was driving.

When we were in the house, that's when he broke.

"How long have you been cutting?!"

I'm taken back by his anger because I've been use to his calm tone.

"I...started in 9th grade but I stopped and I've been clean for 2 years...until now."

Disgust floods his face like I was a bug he was about to kill.

Next thing you know he's in my bathroom destroying my razor.

"Give me your phone...NOW!!!"

I reach for my phone in my pocket but fumble it around until finally I give it to him.

"I'm going back to work but you sure as hell better not leave this house, your grounded for however long I want." He reaches for his keys and leaves out the door.

I'm left on the floor with hot tears streaming down my face.

I think he's giving up on me, it was the last straw for him and I really pushed it.

After a few hours of lying on the ground, the house phone rang.

"Hello...?" I answer cautiously.

"Lea? It's Cory's mom!"

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yes, I actually have great news!! Cory is coming home early, he'll be back on Friday! They said that he did very well with his treatment and there wasn't really any reason for him to stay longer."

In just a couple more days, my boyfriend/best friend will be back to help me through this.

"That's great news! And if he gets his phone back, tell him not to text's a long story."

"Ok, I will. Bye!" She hangs up.

At least I have something to look forward to.

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