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Dean's POV

Today was my first day at my new high school. Plus, I'd be seeing Lea again.

I couldn't stop thinking about her last night, I barely slept. I know she has a boyfriend and everything but I can't help myself...

I get up around 7 am because I know my body won't let me sleep anymore. So I decide to look through my closet for something to wear. I wanna look hot but not desperate for Lea.

I go with jeans and a black shirt that somewhat hugs my abbs. Before I head out of my room, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and can only think one word that Lea will say when she sees me: Dammnn

I get in my car and start to drive to school when something stops me. Lea is walking along the side walk...alone.

"Hey Lea!!" I yell.

She jerks her head in my direction.

"Oh, hey Dean!" She replies smiling.

"Need a ride?" I ask a little to hopeful.

She looks at me, then my car like she's unsure of something. Maybe she thinks I'm creepy...?

"Yeah, sure." I watch her walk to the passenger seat and sit down.

"I actually have a car, it just broke down today."

"That's unfortunate...why didn't your boyfriend pick you up?"

She tenses up. God I'm an idiot, probably shouldn't of asked that.

"He's actually not in town right now." She replies.

"Where is he?"

"I'd rather not talk about this, all I'll say is that he's been through a lot."

"I'm sorry to ask all those questions. You said your car broke down? I can take a look at it after school, I use to help my dad fix cars."

We pull into the high school before she responds to my offer.

"Okay, I'll text you my address, but just so we're clear, this isn't a date."

I kinda freeze up a bit, I was hoping for a different response.

"Yeah, of course." I reply nonchalantly.

She nods and gets out of my car and into the ugly brick building.

The end of school could not come any closer because I was so excited to see Lea.

Finally the bell rung.

I got into my car to look for the address that Lea texted me earlier. Her contact name made me smile.

I drive for about 5 minutes when I see Lea in her garage, leaning against her car.

I pull into the driveway and hop out.

"Hey there!" She yells.

"Hey, I'm ready to fix this car of yours!"

"Cool, I think it's the'll probably have to pull up the car's hood." I help her lift the hood up to reveal her mess of an engine.

"It's defiantly the engine." This is going to take a couple hours, I think to myself. It'll all be worth it cause I'll be with Lea.

After a while of grease and weird engine noises, Lea comes out with soda and snacks.

"You can take a break, you know?" She laughs.

I turn my attention to her instead of the car and take one of the snacks she handed me.

"You have grease on your chin!" She points out.

I try to wipe it off but I can tell by her facial expressions that it's still there. She licks her thumb and wipes the grease away from my chin.

She's so close to me, I feel like if I don't kiss her that she'll be mad or something.

I lean down to her face a kiss her for a millisecond before she backs away.

"What the hell, Dean?" She backs away from me.

"I should go." I grab my stuff and drive off.

There goes any chance that I could of had with her. It's all down the drain now.

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