Where I First Met You

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Cory's POV

As soon as summer started, it flew past me in the blink of an eye. Today, I hit the realization that I only had one more week before senior year started.

Lea was spending a lot of her time with Brianna, it was good for her, considering she was still trying to get over her dad's death.

It was Sunday and I was trying to get Lea out of the house so I could get ready for my big plans.

"Go get a manicure or something with Brianna, you don't need to stay cooped up in this house all the time." I urged her. She hesitantly agreed.

As soon as she left, I dialed Mark's phone number.

"Sup Cory." Mark greeted me nonchalantly.

"Are you absolutely positive that the door will be unlocked?" I asked in a frantic voice.

"Okay Cory, breathe. Deep breaths, come on now."

"Mark, I know how to freaking breathe. Can you really blame me for being nervous?"

"I guess not, but I already made sure that you won't have a problem getting into the building." He responded.

A huge wave of relief rolled over my body, everything about this had to be perfect.

"Thanks Mark, I'm gonna go get ready and I'll tell you how it all plays out."

"Good luck man."

"Thanks, I'll need it."

I hung up the phone and checked the time, 2:30. Lea won't be home for about another 45 minutes, that's just enough time to get ready.

Using my time wisely, I stayed off of my Facebook account and got a shower.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we were older, and we wouldn't have to wait so long? And wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we belong? No it's gonna make it that much better, we can say goodnight and sleep together! Wouldn't it be nice?" I harmonized my favorite beach boys song, this song fit my mood perfectly.

Quickly, I wrapped a towel along my waist and went to my dresser. I picked out a pair of dark washed jeans and a nice collared shirt, correction, Lea's favorite collared shirt.

As soon as Lea came into mind, I heard the front door open and close.

"I'm home!" Her voice sounded throughout the house.

"Good, now we can leave!" I shouted down the stairs.

"Leave where?" She questioned.

"It's a secret!" I made my way down the stairs and grabbed her wrist to drag us outside.

"I'm tired, Cory!"

"So are nurses, firefighters, soldiers, and teachers, but they're still working!"

"Fair enough." She commented while I opened the passenger car door for her.

On the way to my secret destination, I turned up the radio to break the awkward silence.

Almost as soon as I did that, she turned the knob back down.

"Give me a hint."

"My only hint is that we'll be there in a few minutes." I smirked at her which only gave her an annoyed expression.

After about 3 minutes, we finally made it.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Lea questioned.

"We're going to go inside."

"We can't break into our old elementary school, Cory!" She slapped the back of my head in an playful way.

I stepped out of my car and walked to the front school with Lea following close by.

"We aren't breaking in, by the way." My hand reached for the surprisingly unlocked door.

"The door just happened to be open."

She scoffed at my comment but didn't hesitate to go inside.

"We are going to get in so much trouble..." She murmured into my shoulder.

"I don't get caught, Lea."

After a few minuets of laughing at old lunchroom memories and our weird 5th grade teacher, we found the room that I originally planned on going into.

"Mrs. Kay's room? 3rd grade was so long ago." Lea seemed quite eager on going in.

The classroom was the same. It had the same bean bags, desks, white board, everything.

"So many great things happened in here." I told Lea while grabbing her hand.

"Yeah like when you shot a spitball at Mrs. Kay's neck and never got caught?" She snorted.

"Your missing the best memory of all." I pointed out to her.

Her facial expression changed into a deep thought look.

"I first met you here and I think it's only appropriate that I do this here as well."

"Do wh-"

"You're the one Lea, I'll stand by that for the rest of my life. Your smile gives me a reason to be happy and everything you say or do fires me up and I know we're young, I know we can be stupid, but would it really hurt to ask if I could spend the rest of my life with you?"

"Cory, what are you-"

I bent down on one knee which immediately made her shut up.

"I love you so much, Lea. But there's one question I have to ask."

I pulled out the little box from my pocket and opened it.

"Will you marry me?"


I'm sorry for giving y'all kinda crappy and long overdue chapters but my life is quickly becoming consumed by school and volleyball.

I don't get as much sleep as I used to, hence the really weird time gaps of chapters. I went from updating daily to updating weekly.

That basically means I'm a mean human being and that I'm sincerely sorry.

To make it up to you, I have juicy chapters coming up in the future;)

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, which I know I made in the last chapter but I couldn't correct it so yolo.

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