Trust me

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Cory's POV

Me and Lea have been dating for a couple months with no problems or arguments. It's kinda like we're still best friends, except we just make out a lot more than your average friends.

I walked into school this morning to find Lea talking with her friend, Naya. I quietly sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her.

"Cory!" She says startled, before she could continue, I kiss her with Naya rolling her eyes at us.

"Get a room!" She says walking away.

"Not a bad idea..." I tell Lea.

She takes my hand and leads me into a nearby supply closet. I grab her waist while she jumps up in my arms. As I'm holding Lea, I brush her hair out of her eyes for a perfect kiss.

Then the door opens.

"Well, well, well, Cory. This is new for you, I'll admit."

It was my friend, Mark.

I set Lea down and take her hand to lead us out.

"I can't help myself, Mark." I shoot back at him.

The rest of the day dragged on, class after class, assignment after assignment, and barely any Lea. Me and her only have 1st and 4th hour out of my 7 classes together.

She couldn't hang out after school because Naya wanted to go shopping with her or something like that, so I just went home. When I walked through the door, I found my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you doing home?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, we had a half day at the school today, that's all. I'll be leaving the house soon for the hospital." She says.

My mom works two jobs: Special ed teacher during the day, Nurse by night. Being a teacher didn't pay enough for all our needs.

"Oh! That reminds me, Cory! I won a raffle at the hospital to get a Cabin up in the Whistler Blackcomb ski resort. It's only good for next weekend and I can't go because I already signed up to chaperone a field trip. I just thought maybe you and a friend would like to drive up there for the weekend to snowboard, I trust you enough to not throw any parties."

"Yeah, sounds great. I'll probably ask Mark to come." I reply.

"Ok, great! I'll see you later honey." With that, my mom left the house.

I quickly grab my phone to call Lea, I assume she's back from the mall...

She answers on the 3rd ring.

"What's up, Cory?"

"Hey, my mom just told me I could invite a friend to go snowboarding up in Whistler for the weekend. You up for it?" I ask nervously.

"Of course I'm up for it-"

"Great!" I interrupt.


Oh god, there is always a but.

"There is no way in hell that my dad would let me spend the weekend with a boy, especially my boyfriend."

"I get that, just flip the story. Say Naya invited you to Whistler and not me. You can send him a bunch of pictures of you on the mountain, does that work?"

There was a long pause.

"You really thought this through, didn't you?" She asks.


"What about your mom, she's cool with me tagging along with you guys?"

"She isn't gonna go, just you and me. I told her Mark was coming. She won't check in with me that much, so I think we're good." I reply.

"Ok, I'll go. BUT, let's say my dad finds out, if I go down, your coming down with me too!" She says laughing.

"We won't get caught, trust me."

"Ok, I trust you."

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