Life With You

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Lea's POV

Whatever air I had in my lungs, quickly vanished and left me breathless.

Who knew something so small and simple could be so gorgeous and meaningful. The ring was staring at me right in the face, along with Cory.

He's the love of my life, so why am I having such a hard time saying yes?

"Cory..." I choke out.

His eyes widen, probably not the words he was looking for.

"We're so young and..." I can't continue because I feel like I'm breaking his heart.

But he catches be off guard by slowly cupping my cheeks in his hands and wiping a stray year away.

I didn't even know that I was crying.

"That's why I want to do this." He whispers sweetly. "We're young and we have all of life to go through, why not go through it together?"

My cheeks light up with an unwanted blush, I finally understand what he was talking about.

So many couples get torn apart by the stupidest things, but I know that we're different. We have a relationship that goes back to the stone age. We're unbreakable.

"Yes." I whisper into his ear.

He pulls back and stares at me.

"Yes as in you agree with me or yes, you'll marry me?"

"Yes I agree with you and yes...I will marry you."

The biggest smile stretches across his face which only makes me laugh.

For a few moments, we stare at each other, like we're saying everything that should be said. Except one thing.

"Well, aren't you going to put the ring on me?"

His head jerks to the little open box in his hand. "Y-yeah, of course." His stutters made me love him even more.

Slowly, he takes the ring out of the box and slips it on my left hand ring finger. His thumb traces over it and then he slowly brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.

"I love you, so much more than anything or anybody else." I say shakily.

"I love hearing that." He pulls my body close for a tight hug. "You saying that you love me."

"Well I do, and I won't ever stop. I'm looking forward to life with you."

"Me too, now all that's left to do is tell my mom." His tone is causal, but I can feel my head burn.

"You didn't tell your mom?!" I yell frantically.

He bursts out laughing which only leaves me in a state of confusion.

"I did tell her, she was very concerned about the whole thing. Like what if this or that happened, what then Cory? Finally, I convinced her that you were the only girl that I'll ever love."

"So she's okay with this?"

"Yes, I suppose. So why don't we go home and tell her your answer?"

I nodded and clasped onto his hand and together, we walked out of our old elementary school.

While driving home, a sudden realization hit me.

"Who's going to walk me down the aisle? I can't walk down it alone!"

Cory takes hold of my hand and squeezes it. "Don't worry, you won't walk down it alone. I don't know who, but we will find someone you trust."

I responded with a simple nod.


"I loved the ring he picked out! I knew it would look amazing on you!" Cory's mom complimented me.

"I love it too, I couldn't of picked a better one." I said to Cory.

"Thank you, Lee." He says while throwing an arm around my waist.

"Well Lea, you must want to inform all of your friends that your engaged, why don't you invite them over while I'm away at the store. Cory, should go out and tell Mark everything too." She says eagerly.

"That sounds great, I'll call my friend, Brianna."

"Okay, I'm leaving, you should too, Cory." With that, Cory's mom left.

"I'm going to go tell Mark. I love you." He pulls me in for a kiss, which I gladly respond to.

As soon as the door shut, I pulled out my phone and called Brianna.

"What's up, Lea?" She asks happily.

"Can you come over? I need to tell you something that I can't tell you over the phone, and don't worry, it's good news."

I heard a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll be over in 10."

The 10 minutes flashed by and Brianna was soon at the Monteith's door step.

We headed up to the guest room where I was staying.

"So what's this good news that you couldn't tell me over the phone?"

I held out my left hand in response.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes bulged out of her head. I'm guessing that she's a little bit surprised.

After a long silence, she gazed up at me.

"What the hell!" She screams.

I jump at her sudden loud and angry tone.

"What do you mean, what the hell?"

"Why the hell do you have an engagement ring on your finger?"

"Cory proposed and I said yes, hence the engagement ring."

"Why would you say yes? Are you trying to throw your life away?" She asks, clearly frustrated.

"What are you talking about? I'm not throwing my life away, I'm starting a future with Cory!"

Brianna stands up and walks over to the corner desk and grabs my UCLA pamphlet. She makes her way over to me and shakes it in my face.

"You see this? Cory doesn't want to go to California, so your basically throwing your hopes and dreams away!"

I swipe the pamphlet away from her.

"Love is more important than college, I'm going to school with him, here."

Without another moments hesitation, I rip the pamphlet in half and discard it into a nearby trashcan.

"Why aren't you supporting me?" I screeched at her.

"Because you aren't supporting yourself!"

Within seconds, she stormed out of my room and out of the house.

Did that really just happen?

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