Not a Date

829 36 9

Lea's POV

He said nine, but I've been up since six this morning, completely exhausted and anxious.

I barely got any sleep last night, it was four when I finally fell into bed. I was lucky enough to say goodbye to Liam and Brianna before leaving their wedding in tears.

I hope they have a long happy marriage.

Glancing at my tired looking appearance in the bathroom mirror, I frown. Visible dark circles have formed underneath my eyes, thank goodness for concealer.

While applying my makeup, I receive a text message.

Sleep at mine tonight? -Nate

It's been awhile since I've slept in my own place. Night after night, I spent at Nate's.

Okay -Lea

I quickly stuff all my essentials into a purse and head out to my Jeep.

My palms started to get sweaty on the steering wheel as I drove into Cory's driveway.
The house was cute, small, and cookie-cutter. I wouldn't of pegged this as Cory's type.

Without me even having to get out of the driver's seat, Cory exits his house and smiles at me through the window of my car.

He's wearing khaki pants, a white linen shirt, and a navy blue tie. He looked very professional, minus the brace on his left arm.

"Good morning, Lea." He sends me a beautiful smile.


No, IhaveNate. I inwardly scold myself for the absurd thought. I love Nate. Cory is in the past.

"Good morning, Cory. You never told me where you worked." I state with raised eyebrows.

"I'm in accounting." He says with a shy smile.

"What happened to football?" I question as I pull out of the driveway.

Cory pulls out his phone and enters in the address of what I assume is where he works.

"I was in an accident. From then on, any of my dreams for playing pro were shattered." A sad look has replaced his cheery one.

He was in an accident? How could I of not known about this?

"When was this?"

"Some months ago. My throwing arm was messed up, my football career ended at Stanford." Cory looks so traumatized while retelling the accident. My heart aches for him.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could've known about this when it happened." I breathe with a sympathetic expression.

He doesn't respond. Cory begins to stare out the window with a bewildered look on his face. He is a lost boy.

"Do we have enough time to pick up your pain medication before work?" I ask, trying to break the tension that has flooded the car.

"Uhm...yeah. I suppose we have enough time."

I stop at a local pharmacy and we both step out of the car and inside.

"We'll have this prescription ready in about ten minutes." The pharmacist huffs with an irritated face. I guess she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"That's fine."

I turn and find that Cory is in one of the aisles looking at the countless products placed before him.

"It's a ten minute wait." I inform him.

He faces me and nods. "I'll be cutting it close for work." He jokes.

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