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Life has changed dramatically for me over the past few months.

Cory and I have both applied for UBC, the only difference is that he applied for a football scholarship.

There isn't a doubt in my mind where I think he won't be accepted. I'm feeling just as confident. I studied for all of my AP classes and got the grades, all consistent A's.
Cory often referred to me as a brainiac.

Nonetheless, I was enjoying my last few weeks as a senior in high school.
There was only one big occasion left that would occur before the wedding.


So here I was in my room trying on my Champagne colored long dress for about the 3rd time this week.
The upper portion of the dress was covered in sequins and had a v neck, revealing a healthy amount of my bust.

I bought the dress myself with money from my new job I had gotten a couple of months previously.
I worked at a local music store that sold old hits and current music. It was an enjoyable job and pay was good so I gladly took it.

I had everything ready and prepared for prom. My dress and shoes were taken care of, I had a handsome date, made a hair and makeup appointment, everything was falling into place.

Except one thing.

My old scars were obviously visible. I usually found a way to cover them up but this situation was a little bit trickier. A jacket couldn't solve this problem. I had tried to find a bracelet or bangle that covered just enough skin and that had suited my dress but all looked tacky or out of place.

Many people knew about my scars, but I was deeply self-conscious. I knew they were there to stay.

"Lea, can I come in?" Cory's deep voice interrupted my reverie.

"No! Don't you dare come in, you can't see my dress until the night of prom!" I screeched through the door. I quickly stumbled out of my dress and put it back in it's bag and into the closet. Pulling on a bathrobe, I opened the door.

"Now you may come in." My voice sounded like I was greeting royalty, when in reality, it was Cory.

He chuckles at my welcoming. "Thanks, so I have a question for you." He states while laying flat on his back on my bed.

"And what's that?" I ask while joining him on the bed.

"I know it's last minute, I just need to know what color your dress is so I can match it with my tie." Cory's cheeks flare with a deep shade of red.

"I don't think the color of my dress will go with any tie you decide to buy. Just keep it simple with black."

"Thanks for that life changing advice." He pulls me into his lap and begins to play with my hair.

"You can see my scars when I wear the dress." I mumble.

"You'll still be the prettiest girl on the dance floor, scars or not." He reassured me.

"Are you excited?" He murmurs against my ear.

"Beyond that."

"Even though I don't know what dress your wearing, I'm positive that you'll look like a queen."

I turn bright red at his unexpected comment.

I sure hope that I could meet his expectations.


"Thank god my nails haven't chipped yet!" Brianna said happily while glancing over at me.

I nodded in agreement as the hair stylist curled yet another piece of my hair.
We had been in the salon for what felt like ages just for hair and makeup.

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