I Could Never Stop Loving You

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Lea's POV

My head is on fire, the consequences of me being pregnant will be awful.

First we'll have to deal with his mom, I'll have to to live with nonstop name calling, and there's always that chance that Cory won't want the baby and he'll leave me.

I've already made a promise that I will keep the baby no matter what.

Even though I'm keeping it, I'm not emotionally ready or capable for having a baby.

A knock on the door pulls me off the bathroom floor to answer it. I wasn't expecting Dianna to be on the other side.

"What...what are you doing here."

"Lea, I saw the video of you and reported those girls. I'm sorry that I punched you and that I was a bitch friend. You needed me and I wasn't there, I feel awful."

"Y-your the one who reported those girls?" I'm stunned.

"Yes, I can't leave my best friend like that."

I pull her in for a hug because I did honestly miss her. Dianna and me were inseparable at one point, I want that feeling back.

"I need to tell you something, but not here. Can we go to your house?" I try to keep my composure.

"Yeah, of course."

Dianna had her car parked nearby, so we quickly drove to her house.

We made sure to walk up in her room where we could be alone and nobody could hear us.

"So whats the news?" Dianna asks while hopping on her bed.

Right before I open my mouth to tell her what's been going on, my phone rings. Cory.

"I'm going to take this out in the hallway." I'm not really sure what's going to come of this conversation.

Once in the hallway, I tap the answer button.

"Hey, Cory."

"Hey, where are you?"

"I'm with Dianna."

"What? Aren't you guys in a girl fight or something?"

"We made up. But don't worry, I'll be home soon." I'm trying not to burst out in tears, but I think you can hear how choked up I am.

"Is everything okay? You sound really sad." Shit, he's onto me.

"I'm fine, love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up first, I feel a tear slowly drip down my face. "Dianna, I'm going to use the bathroom." I call out to her.


I walk to her bathroom and lock the door. I almost didn't even notice the blood on the toilet paper. I got my period, I'm not pregnant. I won't be a mom, Cory won't be a dad.

Without caring, I let tears of joy fall down from my eyes.

"What's going on in there?" Dianna asks concerned.

I open the door and fall into her arms.

"Want to tell me what's going on?"

"I had a pregnancy scare!! I took a test and it came out positive but I just had my period so I'm crying!" The look on Dianna's face, you could tell she wasn't expecting those words to ever leave my mouth.

"Are you going to tell him? Even though it was a scare."

"God no, I don't want to scare him with baby drama."

"I don't know Lea, something that big is something you should probably share." Dianna eyes me.

"Welp, I told Cory I'd be home soon, so I guess I should leave." I announce.

"Remember what I said though, you should probably tell him."

"Yeah yeah yeah."


"Cory? I'm home!"

"I'm upstairs!!"

I basically jump up the stairs because I'm so happy about not being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have children, just later on in my future.

He's sitting on his bed with a laptop nearby.

"Hey babe!" He looks up at me while I set myself down on his lap and kiss him on the lips.

"Hey, any particular reason on why your so happy?"

I pause. "Not really, it just feels good to have some girl time with Dianna. You know?"

"Lea...?" He asks.

"Yeah, Cor?"

"Am I going to be a dad? I saw the pregnancy box thing." I follow his eyes, which are on me.

"Are you going through the trash now?"

"You didn't really make an effort to throw it away, it was just lying there."

That makes since because Dianna did distract me.

"It was a false alarm, I'm not pregnant."

"Why didn't you just call me, I would of left Mark and came straight home!"

"I just thought that if I was really pregnant...that you wouldn't love me anymore or that you would leave me with the baby all by myself."

He looks hurt, I honestly didn't know how he would respond.

"Lea, how could I ever stop loving you? I wouldn't of left you, we would of gotten through it together.

I want to have kids with you, one day we will."

"You actually want to have kids with me?" I was surprised by how much he loved me.

"Of course I do."

"You know what, me too."

I grab him and kiss his lips for as long as I wanted, because he was all mine.

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