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Lea's POV

"I'll miss you like crazy!" Cory yells from his distancing car.

"I will too!" I shout, but I'm not really sure if he heard.

He got out of the hospital yesterday which meant that this morning was his cue for rehab.

I'm left alone on his street with only the sound of cars driving around with an occasional honk. Since it was still morning, I decided to get a coffee at the Starbucks near his house.

Once I get there, I order a plain coffee. When I turn around I accidentally run into a guy which spills my coffee all over my sweatshirt.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say with little giggle, which makes him blush.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there!" He says picking up my fallen coffee cup.

"It's fine, I'm wearing a shirt on under this." I say while taking my sweatshirt off, revealing Cory's Radiohead t-shirt.

"C'mon, I'll buy you a new one!" He says pulling me back into the line.

"You really don't have to...uhm, what's your name?"

"Dean, Dean Geyer." He replies happily.

"Well Dean, my name is Lea Michele."

"That's a really pretty name."

I blush. I know he's flirting with me but I'm not. Well not intentionally.

Along with a coffee, he buys a cookie,all for me. He then takes me to a table and pats the seat next to him. I awkwardly take the seat.

"You didn't have to buy me anything." I say laughing.

"It's my pleasure, plus I did kinda spill coffee all over you. Speaking of that, I couldn't help but notice that you were wearing a Radiohead shirt." He points at Cory's shirt.

"Oh this old thing? It's actually just my boyfriend's shirt." I reply while taking a bite out of my cookie.

I notice that he kinda tensed up when I said it was my boyfriend's shirt. I silently laugh in my head because of his jealousy.

"Cool, so do you go to the high school up the road?" He asks.

"Yeah, I've been here ever since 3rd grade, I moved from New York."

"Really? No way, I just moved here from New York too! Plus I'm going to the same high school as you!"

I was really surprised that he was still in high school, he looked like a college kid.

"My first day is tomorrow...." He continues.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you there." I say getting up from my chair.

"Before you go, can I get your phone number?" He asks with his phone in hand.

"Yeah" I take his phone and enter in my number along with my contact name: 🍪Lea☕️

He laughs when he sees what I put myself as.

"Bye Dean!" I shout while walking out.

"Bye Lea!"

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