Phone Call

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Cory's POV

Waking up in Whistler, Canada is a real privilege, especially when Lea Michele is right next you.

I hug onto her not wanting to ever leave. A light little groan escapes out of her mouth before her eyes open. She returns my hug.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.


"So today is our last day, when do you want to get out on the slo-"

I'm interrupted by my ringing phone. Before I answer it, I check the caller ID. It's my mom.

"Lea! It's my mom, just try not to make any noise. Your not suppose to be here, remember?"

She nods quickly.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey sweetie, how are you and Mark?"

"Oh...uh everything is great. Snowboarding, eating, sleeping, snowboarding."

"Sounds like a lot of fun, you guys will start heading back tonight. I'd love it if Mark could have dinner with us!"

I took a pause. What do I say? Mom, Lea is actually here and Mark is off who knows where.

"Actually...Mark got sick last night and he hasn't been feeling good all morning so I don't think that dinner is such a good idea." I reply quickly.

"Cory! He's been sick and this is the first time I've known about it? You go to the store and buy him some medicine and drive home immediately!" Her tone was angry so I just decided not to protest.

"Okay, okay, okay, we'll drive home soon. I'll drop him off at his house then come home. Bye." Before I let her respond I hang up.

"Are we going home then?" Lea asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Lea. I thought we would be staying longer."

"Don't apologize. I still had a really fun time, I'm glad I came. I'll start packing my stuff up, you should too." She gets out of bed to start packing which leaves me alone in the room.

I'm lucky to have her, I honestly don't know why it took me so long to ask her out.


We were back in Vancouver after a 3 hour drive. I missed being alone with Lea, and now she had to go home.

When I finally pulled up to her house, I gave her a long kiss. She started grabbing my waist while I did the same.

"Please don't leave." I mutter under my breath.

"I have to, my dad will be back from work soon." She kisses my lips one last time before grabbing her things and leaving my car.

"I love you!" I shout.

"Right back at ya!" She winks at me before opening the door to her house.

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