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Haematomania aka hematolagnia : lust for blood and bleeding. May include wounds, vampirism or biting to draw blood. It goes without saying that this one is obviously quite dangerous.

Harpaxophilia/robbery: the fetish for being robbed. Can be played as a role in consensual non-consent. Chrematistophilia is a similar kink for being forced to pay for sex.

Helplessness: any role in which someone is helpless. They may be the victim to their roleplay partner (robber, kidnapper, etc), or their partner may act as a savior (think of a princess who needs saving or an inept housewife).

Homeovestism: attraction to the clothing of one's own gender or by people wearing the clothing accepted as appropriate for their gender by society. This fetish was first defined by George Zavitzianos.

Hybristophilia/criminals: arousal by the knowledge that one's partner has committed a heinous act or crime. This can include cheating, lying, robbery, or murder. This is sometimes known as Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome after the American bank-robbing and murdering duo. One partner is turned on by the other's bad deeds. Some people find themselves attracted to criminals who are in prison.

Hypnotism: in an erotic situation, hypnosis could be a form of consensual nonconsent. Try out this kink with some sexy magician/assistant role play.

Hypoxia: paraphilia for being submerged under water to restrict breathing, a type of erotic asphyxiation. This can be fatal.

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