Top 10 BDSM Statistics in 2021

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Family court judges used to remove visitation rights and child custody from parents who participated in consensual BDSM.

Little known BDSM facts reveal that BDSM was classified as a mental illness in 1905, and remained so until 2013.

Fetish stats reveal that 30 out of 55 sexual fantasies rank as very common.

23% of women add handcuffs to the list of kinks they would like to try in the bedroom.

If you're wondering how many people died from BDSM, statistics say—three over the course of 25 years.

99% of practitioners associate BDSM with pleasure, according to recent statistics on BDSM.

61% of Italians aren't familiar with the BDSM community.

46.8% of Belgians said they participated in a BDSM activity sometime in their lives.

BDSM facts reveal that it doesn't cause more distress in sexual functioning than non-BDSM sex.

When it comes to mental health and BDSM, statistics indicate that practitioners are more satisfied with their sexuality.

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