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Objectophilia (Objectum Sexuality): also known as fetishism. This refers specifically to arousal by and sexual activity with an inanimate object such as shoes.

Objectification: the act of objectifying a partner, to think and treat them as property or an object.

Oculolinctus: desire to lick eyeballs.

Oculophilia: an obsession with the eyes.

Odaxelagnia: kink for biting or being bitten. May or may not involve blood.

Odontophilia: the general fetish for teeth, which can include biting, licking teeth or even removing them.

Olfactophilia: attraction to smells, especially pungent body odors. Osmolagnia is the fetish for sweat or gaseous emissions specifically.

Omorashi: the Japanese word for a fetish related to having a full bladder and urinating on oneself.  Often shortened to "omo."

Orgasm denial: type of play where someone's orgasm is denied entirely, limited/ruined or delayed.

Otherness: sexual attraction to someone from other places, including aliens. See all xenophilia and exoticism.

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