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Parthenophilia: a fetish for virginal partners.

Partialism: sexual obsession for specific body parts and not the whole. Eyes, faces, forearms, and feet are all common objects of obsession, but any body part will do.

Pecattiphilia: fetish for sinning and breaking religious rules.

Pediophilia: fetish for dolls, especially sex dolls.

Penis Humiliation: a kink involving insulting a man's penis, including size, appearance, and performance.

Peodeiktophilia: showing one's penis to others (flashing).

Pet play: any kink where someone acts like a domesticated pet. Cats and dogs are especially common with leashes, collars and food/water dishes used as props.

Phalloorchoalgolagnia: arousal from pain directed toward male genitals.  See also cock and ball torture (CBT).

Phallophilia: obsession with large penises.

Phobophilia: sexual obsession with being afraid. This fetish can be directed toward hate as well as fear.

Phygephilia: fetish for being a fugitive on the run.

Pictophilia: fetish for watching pornography, especially of the same actor.

Play piercing (Piquerism, Picquerism): play piercing is performed for temporary decoration as well as for the sensation of breaking the skin.

Plushophilia: fetish for stuffed animals. These people may have a kink specifically for teddy bears, and they may be furries. Reddit has numerous communities on stuffed animals.

Pony play: a kink for acting like a pony or its master. "Ponies" can wear everything from blinders to bits to bridles to fake ears and hooves. Ponies are trained by their masters and may even do manual labor.

Psychrophilia: arousal by being cold or watching others be cold. Having sex in freezers or meat lockers or around ice might fulfill this kink. In other contexts, a psychrophile is an organism such as bacteria that grows in extreme temperatures such as the poles or deep ocean.

Praise kink: arousal of being praised in a sexual manner

Pregnancy: this kink goes beyond a woman's pregnant glow. Some people just can't get enough of a pregnant woman's powerful and sexy body. It's so common that there are three different names for it: preggophilia, and maieusophoria. Your partner may even be surprised by how turned on he is when you're pregnant – and your hormones might have you wanting more sex, too.

Psychrocism: fetish dedicated to being cold, having sex with a cold partner or using cold objects (ice cubes, cold dildos, etc) during sex.

Pteronphilia: kink for being tickled specifically by feathers.

Pubephilia: obsession with pubic hair. A love for pubic hair has been expressed in literature and art.

Pygmalionism: sexual obsession with human-like images, especially when you made it yourself. This fetish may lead to stimulating oneself with statues or mannequins.

Pygophilia: partialism to butts and seeing, touching and playing with them.

Pyrolagnia: sexual arousal from watching or setting fires. Playing with fire is dangerous.

Pyrophilia: a fascination with fire. Setting fires and using fire during sex can be dangerous. However, massage candles can be used safely because of the wax's low melting point, and fire cupping is not usually risky.

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