Littles and their caregivers

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A little is someone that likes to act younger than they are. It's kind of like having an alter ego that's much younger then yourself. Most littles don't act little 24/7, but when they do slip into their younger alter ego it's called slipping into headspace. When a little is in headspace that is when they are at their most submissive and most vulnerable, and sometimes even talk higher pitch or with more of a lisp then normal.

They're more prone to emotional outbursts like throwing a tantrum or getting overly excited about something. They are also the most needy in this state, as they are not thinking like a grown up but like a child, and need a bit more guidence and reasurence. Some littles are shy in headspace while others may become more outgoing.

Every little is different and has their own headspace unique to them. The age range for littles is very broad and can range from newborn baby to toddler young child. 0-8 is usually the agreed range. It could be a fixed age like 3, but it could also be a range like 2-6. Littles tend to enjoy more childlike, babyish items such as pacifiers, sippy cups/bottles, stuffed animals, picture books, toy, games, younger looking clothing, pull-ups/ diapers, ect. Clothing and little items are different for each individual little.

Terms for relationships:
DDLG = Daddy Dom/Little Girl
MDLB = for Mommy Dom/Little Boy
DDLB = Daddy Dom/Little Boy
MDLG = Mommy Dom/Little Girl
CGL = for CareGiver/Little

Now being a little is not normally a sexual nor kinky thing, it is more often than not a coping mechanism people have, often due to trauma or not the best mental health. That isn't to say it isn't valid to be a little.

Age play is different to age regression. Age regression is the coping mechanism, age play is roleplay.

Caregivers do not always have to be romantic partners, they could be said littles friend or someone they trust to take care of them when they are in little space.

Please tell me if you need me to add to this chapter or if I had written this wrong.

List of Kinks/Fetishes (A-Z) + bonus informationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ