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It was Nakamura's tears

Okajima kept screaming.

"Ew, that's disgusting," I whispered under my breath as Nakamura and I spied on the boys.
"Hehehehe, I wonder what would happen if I pulled down all their trunks." Nakamura had horns growing out of her head. "If you do that  ill take photos." I laughed.

We both kept laughing and observing the boys Since we were the only girls there for now. There was Okajima, Karma, Nagisa, and Isogai.
Kayano, Okano, and Kanzaki were planning on coming but that'll be later.

"Heheeheh Kurasuma is looking good~" A perverted voice replied behind us.

"PROFESSOR BITCH?!" Nakamura and I yelled. "What? I am not allowed to get eye candy because I'm older or something?" She scoffed.

"No no don't worry Bitch I'm here for eye candy too." Nakamura's eyes landed on Nagisa.

"Miss Bitch I feel you," I mumbled while watching Nakamura.

"Well while you girls are scaredy-cats watch your little "crushes" I'll be getting my crush." Bitch laughed as she put down her purse and flipped her hair back.

She looked at us and winked, "Now ladies watch and learn." She smirked and started sashaying to Kurasuma, who was grilling meats and vegetables.

"Kurasumaaaa! Wanna go skinny dipping?!"


"No." He said not even looking up.
"Butttt Kurasumaaaaa, please?" She started taking off her sun dress revealing her tight, almost see through, black bikini.

"Wow." I felt my face get hot. wait why am I getting hot over my female teacher?! That's impossible! I'm 110% straight! But I couldn't take my eyes off her. I needed to stop. It was probably because of the sun! No other reason... wow Miss. Bitch has such shiny legs...
"NAKAMURA LETS GO GET FOOD!" I screamed while taking Nakamura's wrist and pulling her to the snack table.

I started grabbing all the candy I could, I've never thought of a girl as "hot" per se, I don't like her,but...she looked so fricked hot.

"Hey N/N while you eat I'm going to go bother Nagisa! This may be my chance to impress him!" Nakamura said while rubbing my side with hee elbow.
"Oh okay," I said while slurping down my second kapresun.

She took off her shorts and shirt. Fuck

I choked on my kapresun.
She had a beautiful light pink bikini, her legs were shiny and slim, the way her hair flew down her shoulder when she bend over to take off her sandals, the way her lightly black strands of hair poked out, and the way the sun kissed her cheeks.

My heart jumped out of my chest and I accidentally grabbed onto my Kapresun too hard and it squirted on my face.

"N/N! Oh no, are you okay?" She smirked while taking a picture. Crap. "Yea yea let me just go get cleaned up!" I said very flusteredly. I sprinted to the bathroom and splashed water on my face.

"What was that? I- no no no, I like men, no I LOVE men, yea." I laughed while trying not to overthink what my heart was just telling me.

"Ohhhh so Y/N likes boys? Looks like I'm up." Karma snickered. "No last time I checked I liked men with class." I smiled.
"Whattttt I have class." He joked pleasingly.
"No Karma you are the reason God made the middle finger." I walked past him and went into the kitchen to get more Kapresuns.

"Do you like women?" He leaned on the counter.

"WHAT I DO MNRBSHN H!"  I screamed.
"If you're going to talk use words." Karma frowned. "Fine! Whatever..." I whispered while trying to hide my face. "And I like men!" I replied. "It's fine Y/N, my great aunt is lesbian." He smirked. "Men," I said with a serious face.

"Whatever you say." He got up and walked back outside and I followed close behind him. Karma and I went to go get some dinner, by now the others girls were there. I sat down in the tanning chair and slurped down some water, I was getting dehydrated.

"Hello, my beloved student!" Before I knew it a pink octopus was in a yellow bikini and shower caps and of course porno magazines.
"The fuck." I said in a monotoned voice.
"MY STUDENT NO CURSING!" He said in a very shaky voice, he could tell I was judging the porn.
"Y/N why aren't you swimming?" He replied after calming down. "I don't like water." I sighed. "EEEEEEEEE TWINSIES!" He shrieked, grabbed my hands, and started fangirling. "Ah! Now that we are twins we must get pampered!" He turned pink and pulled out a makeup bag.

"What? You want to pamper me?" I asked.
"Yesss! First, let's get our nails done! Trust me I'm not bad at it! I've practiced on Karma before!" He giggled.

Why would he do this? I'm not used to being pampered. I mean I guess I don't have eternity with him... maybe I should say yes. It would be nice.

I looked over at Nakamura, she was in the pool playing around with Nagisa and Okano. Her hair was wet and she was slightly sunkissed. Her skin was shining more than earlier due to the water. It was fucking gorgeous.

"Hehe, yes go ahead Koro-Sensei." I laughed.

"Nufufufffu! This will be fun!" He giggled.

Hours went by, the party was fun. I'm pretty sure Kurasuma had a great time. Nakamura was just being herself and teasing everyone, mostly Nagisa though. Karma was also just being a sadist the whole time, he kept trying to put horse radish in my nose. We also kept trying to kill Koro-Sensei but it was no good.

In the end, Karma took me home. At some point I asked him about his parents, what surprised me was that his parents never came home last night, weird.

As I entered home and took off my shoes I noticed there was an extra pair of shoes by the door, it was a women's.

"Oh looks like Y/N is home!" I heard my father laugh. "Great! I can't wait to meet her!" A women's voice cooed. I ran to the dining hall to see my father with a tall, lightly tanned, short, black wavy hair, and almond brown eyes. She was a beautiful woman.

"Y/N! Darling! meet Zhu Wong! She's my fiancé and your future step-mom!"

Zhu smiled and waved.


Cherry                               Rio Nakamura x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora