What the fuck?

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"Let's see how bad this will hurt!"

Karmas POV
"Karma! You take care of him! We Will continue upstairs!" Y/N calls to me as she passes us.

"Yeah yeah. Don't yet yourself killed." I waved off.

Once Y/N left with everyone the man started talking.

"Aw such a shame. I was kinda hoping to fight the little lady." The man said while getting into a fighting position.

"She would have been easier to take down." The man smiled.

Damn it. Does he really think he has the right to say that?

"Oh I see. So you want to take on a fragile girl? Because you know you'd win?" I smiled while putting my fist into the air.

"Ha! You get me!"

"Hehe. Wow! A grown man picking on a girl just to make himself feel better? Your ex must have found a better dick to suck on. Pathetic. Besides Y/N isn't fragile." I laughed while darting to the man.

"Sure Y/N use to be really weak but-" I got cut off when the man punched my stomach.

"I don't give a shit." He hissed. "You did a few seconds ago. Well as I was saying..." I got back up a dusted the invisible dust on my sweater.

"Y/N isn't a weak girl. She's now learning to keep her own ground. Damn ever since the kidnapping shes become a lot stronger. Almost as strong as me." I gave the man a sharp look before we continue fighting.

After getting punched in the face, stomach, etc. I finally got a hit in him to make him give up.

"Oh ho! That was easy! Now! Let's start..." I smile as I grabbed my back with sauces in them.

I got on-top of the man and started shoving wasabi down his nose. As He was screaming for mercy. memories of Y/N fighting came flooding in. She sure has gotten stronger. I still can't believe the day she beat me...

————Flash back————

It was a Friday afternoon and Y/N insisted that we had a match after school today. I honestly didn't feel like it but she said she'll make me dinner tonight, so I agreed.

Right before the match Y/N wanted to stretch and warm up. So I kinda just sat in the grass scrolling threw my phone.

"Hey what are you brats doing?"

I looked up from my phone to see bitch-Sensei smoking a cigarette.

"We're going to have a match!" Y/N said with enthusiasm.

"Mhh. Great. Looks like I have to stay and watch right? For safety? Right?" She asked.

"I don't care do whatever you want." I sighed while looking back at my phone.

"Mhkay. You two wait, I'll got get Kurasuma and Koro-Sensei so they can watch as well." She said while walking to the main building.


——5 minutes later——

"3...2...1 Go!" Irina yelled as she waved one hand in the air, signaling for us to start.

Y/N got into a proper fighting position as she waited for me to make the first move.

I too waited for her to make the first move, and luckily for me Y/N doesn't have that much patience. So she pulled out her gun and pointed it at me.

"That escalated quickly." Irina said in a shocked tone.

I the started running in zigzags to Y/N. Her not knowing when she should shoot. She tried many times, but failed.

I then grabbed both her legs and pushed her to the ground. I fell on top of her and I grabbed her gun.

Y/N looked me in the eyes and kept her calm.

"5...4...3..-" I counted down. That until I felt something slice my leg.

I looked down and saw that she ripped my clothes with an anti-Koro Sensei knife. For the second I was distracted. Y/N grabbed the gun out of my hands and pointed it to my face.

"Get off." She whispered.

I did what she wanted and got off her. She stepped back until she was out of my reach. I then reached down my pant pockets to realize I didn't have my gun or knife.

"Oh my Y/N. You've gotten smarter. Even I'll admit that." I smiled.

Y/N's face lighted up but then went back to a frown. She must not want to show how happy she was.

Y/N grabbed my gun and pointed that one to me, along with hers.

Right as I thought she was going to shot she dropped both weapons and came running to me.

It took me a second to process but when I did realize I tried to punch Y/N. But Y/N was prepared so she grabbed my arm and flipped me over on my stomach.

She grabbed my other arm and help it to my back. And with the other arm she held it in a position to if I made the wrong move she could break my arm.

"Chose wisely Karma. 5...4.."

Damn. Not much I can do now.

"Fine I give. You win." I sighed. Y/N loosened her grip and a dumb smile spread across her face.

She jumped off and stood there with a dumb smile on her face until she help her arm out to me.

"Good try Karma." She said with a toothy grin.

"Okay whatever." I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.

"Impressive Y/N."

Y/N turned around to see Kurasuma.

"You have definitely improved." He shook her hand as another dumb smile appeared on the girls face again.

"Thanks Kurasuma!" She laughed.

"It's no problem Y/N but that's no reason to start slacking off. This is another reason to get stronger, prove to me you are an assassin." Kurasuma said with his monotoned voice.

"Yes sir! I will do my best!" Y/N stiffened up.

"Yes of course. Now shouldn't it be time you go home?"

Y/N looked down at her wrist. Her eyes widened a little at the time.

"Shoot. I got to go, bye Kurasuma! Good game Karma!" Y/N waved goodbye as she jogged across the field to grab her bag. Once she did she walked down the mountain until she was out of view.

"Right I'm out." I sighed as I turned away from Kurasuma and I put my hands in my pockets.

"Wait Karma." A yellow flash zoomed by me, Making me pause.

"Yes teach?"

"We need to talk Karma." Koro-Sensei giggled.

"Hm. What is it?"

"I saw that match with Y/N. She did phenomenal if I do say so myself."
"Yeah she was alright. Maybe next time I won't be a gentle and Ill win."

"That's the thing Karma, you didn't go easy on Y/N."

My heart dropped for a quick second.

"Hm yeah. I didn't. So now I also have an excuse to get stronger. It's like you said Koro-Sensei, I need to improve." I said while turning to koro-Sensei.

"Nufufufufu. Alright Karma! I expect better! Now you go home silly goose." Koro-Sensei turned bright pink while giggling like a school girl.

"What the fuck?"

Hi sorry I haven't updated. I've been on writers block.

Also not to brag or anything but I skipped out on school because I stopped breathing 😍

(I'm better now obviously)

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