I love you guys

219 8 5

Cherry <3

10 years later

My heels tapped on the floor as I impatiently waited for my next client. I look up at the clock and saw it was 1:47, she was late.

I rested my head on my paper-filled desk and started playing on my phone. After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. I shot up and quickly put my phone in my pocket. "Come in."

"Good afternoon Mrs. L/N/Nakamura! I'm sorry but your appointment called in and said she would be late, but someone else came to visit you." My secretary walked in. "Thank you, Ava, if you wouldn't mind-"
I was soon cut off by a yell of a child.


"Giovanni! Aw, my baby!"

The small boy flew into my arms and rested on my lap. Giovanni was my adopted child from Venezuela, he had brown curly hair, tanned skin, and beautiful brown eyes. He gave me a face full of kisses before he said, "mommy I missed you! Mama says she missed you too! But Venezuela was so cool! I can't wait to go again! Mama brought you some food! And-"

I soon cut him off and gave him another hug. "Slow down my love, it's hard to understand you when you're speaking so quickly." He then smiled while squeezing my cheeks.

"Gio! You need to stop running away from me! You could get hurt!" Rio came running into the room, almost running into Ava.

"Aww she's just mad I'm your favorite." I stuck my tongue out at her. Rio dramatically gasped before walking up to me and kissing my cheek. We chuckled as we heard Giovanni say ew.

"Ava, please cancel all my appointments. You may go home for the day."

Ava smiled as she walked away and I turned to my lovely child. "So tell me all about Venezuela, how was the food? Did you get lost? Did mama forget you in a store again?"

Rio gasped.

"Nope! She only forgot me at the hotel!"
"Ahhh no no no! We agreed we weren't going to say that!"

"Sorry mama, but mommy asked." He hugged me tighter. "Mama did what?" I asked. "Yeah, manny was the one who forgot me at the store."

"Well, that's expected from Karma." Rio pulled up and chair next to me and rested her head on my shoulder. "He said he doesn't get paid enough." Gio kicked his feet up and down.
I started snickering as I played with his curls.

"Okay so tell me, who's arepas were better? Mine or the ones there." I asked. Gio thought for a second, "yours are mommy, you said yours are made of love."

"Awww." I gleamed. "Naw the ones there was awesome." Rio yawned. I slapped her arm and she giggled. "I missed you, babe. La cama está fría sin que te acurruques contra mí." Rio grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

(The bed is cold without you snuggling against me)

"El mío no lo era. Dormí con el Gato." (Mine wasn't. I slept with the cat)

"Ouch, I guess you should have married the cat."
"I should've, the cat actually listens."
"Double ouch!"

"Hey hey hey. Gio! Your favorite father figure is here."

We looked at the door to see Karma standing there with a bunch of bags. "Manny!" Gio jumped out of my lap and ran into his arms.

"Father figure? Where did you get that idea from?" Rio asked. "Well, you two obviously have pussies. I'm the closest to a dad than you two are."
Giovanni's face changed once she heard the word pussies, he looked at me and Rio, then karma. Rio snickered as Gio stared more. "Mommy he said you two have-"

Cherry                               Rio Nakamura x fem readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن